‘ESUS’ and JESUS’ (Coincidence?) The “Trinity” of ‘Esus”


‘ESUS’ and JESUS’ (Coincidence?)
The “Trinity” of ‘Esus”

” ‘Esus’ –  The Roman poet Lucan described ‘Esus”
in a poem, the Pharsalia, dating from the 1st c. AD,..
In it, he alludes to the journey of Caesar’s
troops through southern Gaul and their encounter
with three Gaulish gods: Taranis, Teutates and ‘Esus’
Lucan describes this triad (trinity) as cruel, savage
and demanding…the word ‘Esus’ is not so much a name
as it is a title, meaning ‘Lord’ or ‘Good Master’.”
-Green, Miranda J.
Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend.
Thames & Hudson, March 1992. (p. 93-94)

“the cult of this god may have been comparatively
widespread. This triad (trinity), was introduced by
the Gauls… and they were apparently more or less
well-known local gods.”
– J. A. MacCulloch (1911). ‘Chapter III.
The Gods of Gaul and the Continental Celts.’
The Religion of the Ancient Celts.
New York: Dover Publications. ISBN 048642765X 

“A well-known section in Lucan’s Bellum civile
talks about the gory sacrificial offerings
proffered to a ‘triad’ (trinity) of Celtic deities:
Teutates, Hesus (an aspirated form of Esus), and
-M. Annaeus Lucanus (61-65 CE).
Bellum civile I.445.


“theological disputes over the trinity prompted
Christian scribes to alter the words of scripture
in order to make them more serviceable.”
-The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture
  BY Prof. Bart D. Ehrman 

“the manuscripts were carefully revised by the
-“Manuscripts” by Louis Bréhier
in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IX
(New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910)  

In Honor of the pagan god “Esus” (or Hesus)

After stumbling upon the ancient god called “Esus” or
“Hesus” – who was part of a trinity, one is left to wonder
if the name “Jesus” has anything to do with a deliberate
mistransliteration of his original Hebrew name – “Yehoshua”.

Some scholars believe that transliteration is not the same as
translation and allows for deliberate mistakes to be made in
favor of supporting the pagans who were leery of accepting
A Jewish Messiah in their midst.

Studies have linked the name “Jesus” to the ‘Zeus” of Greek
and Ancient Rome, but even the god of ancient Gaul “Esus”
also known as “Hesus” – brings even more light to this
matter.  With Correctores hired by Rome to rewrite scriptures
that were objectional to the pagans, one should not be surprised
that even the name of our Jewish Messiah may have been
tampered with.

It is a known fact that the name of the Jewish God of
the Bible, “Jehovah” was removed by Correctores
more than 7,000 (seven thousand) times, and replaced
by the title “LORD” formed all in capitals (to show that
an omission had taken place).

Obviously these correctores would stoop even lower to
transliterate the name of “Jehoshua” Christ into the more
palatable name of “Jesus” for the sake of the pagans of that
time period.   Let’s take a look at the god of the ancients –
whose name was “ESUS”. 

“In order to make the previously despised cult
of the Early Christians acceptable to Constantine,
emperor of Rome – the new (pagan) Church Fathers
had to remove from its teachings certain doctrines
which they knew were objectionable to Constantine.
To accomplish this, certain “correctors” were
appointed, whose task it was to rewrite the Gospels.”
-Apollonius the Nazarene Part 1:
The Historical Apollonius Versus
the Mythical Jesus
By: Dr. R. W. Bernard, Ph.D.  

“Learned men, so called Correctores were,
following the church meeting at Nicea 325 AD,
selected by the church authorities to scrutinize
the sacred texts and rewrite them in order to
correct their meaning in accordance with the views
which the church had just sanctioned.”
-Prof. Eberhard Nestle
`Introduction to the Textual Criticism
of the Greek Testament,’
Einfhrung in die Textkritik des
griechischen Testaments: Eberhard Nestle  

“the (biblical) manuscripts were carefully
revised by the correctores.”
-“Manuscripts” by Louis Bréhier
in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IX
(New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910) 

“…theological disputes, specifically disputes over
the trinity (Christology), prompted Christian scribes
to alter the words of scripture in order to make them
more serviceable.”
-The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture
Prof. Bart D. Ehrman .

“after the Council of Nicea, A.D. 325,
the manuscripts of the New Testament
were considerably tampered with by scholars,
called `correctores’, who were appointed by
the ecclesiastical authorities, and actually
commissioned to correct the text of the Scriptures
in the interest of what was considered orthodoxy.”
-Archdeacon Wilberforce
“What these `correctores’ did was to cut out
of the Gospels with minute care, certain teachings
of our Lord which they did not propose to follow.”
– “Gospel of the Holy Twelve,”
   by Rev. G. J. Ouseley  

The Ancient god called “ESUS”

” ‘Esus’ –  The Roman poet Lucan described ‘Esus”
in a poem, the Pharsalia, dating from the 1st c. AD,
the last great battle in the civil war between Pompey
and Caesar. In it, he alludes to the journey of Caesar’s
troops through southern Gaul and their encounter with
three Gaulish gods: Taranis, Teutates and ‘Esus’
(Pharsalia I, 444-6). Lucan describes this triad (trinity)
as cruel, savage and demanding of human sacrifice:
‘horrid ‘Esus’ with his wild altars’. In later commentaries
on Lucan’s poem, probably dating from the 9th c. from
Berne, ‘Esus’ is mentioned as being propitiated by human
sacrifice: men were stabbed, and hung in trees and
allowed to bleed to death.  The two commentators equate
‘Esus’ with Mars and Mercury respectively, but this may
not pose as great a problem as it first appears, since the
word ‘Esus’ is not so much a name as a title, meaning
‘Lord’ or ‘Good Master’.”
-Green, Miranda J.
Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend.
Thames & Hudson, March 1992. (p. 93-94)

‘ESUS’  and  ‘JESUS’

Some scholars have drawn attention to the
mistranslation of Christ’s name ‘Yehoshua’
to the Greek ‘Jesus’.  While some have linked
the name ‘Jesus’ to the Greek god “Zeus’,
still others have noticed the likeness of the
name ‘Jesus’ to the pagan gods “Esus’ and ‘Hesus’.
The only letter missing is the “J”.

The 18th century Druidic revivalist Iolo Morgannwg
identified ‘Esus’ with ‘Jesus’ on the strength of
the similarity of their names.

“Both Hu and HUON were no doubt originally identical
with the HEUS of Lactantius, and the ‘HESUS’ of Lucan,
described as gods of the Gauls. The similarity of the
last name to IESU [Welsh: Jesus] is obvious and
– Iolo Morganwg (1862, ed. J. Williams Ab Ithel).
The Barddas of Iolo Morganwg, Vol. I.


“A well-known section in Lucan’s Bellum civile
talks about the gory sacrificial offerings
proffered to a ‘triad’ (trinity) of Celtic deities:
Teutates, Hesus (an aspirated form of Esus), and
-M. Annaeus Lucanus (61-65 CE).
Bellum civile I.445. 

“Among a later commentator on Lucan’s work,
he identifies ‘Esus’ with Mars. According to
the Berne Commentary on Lucan, human victims
were sacrificed to Esus by being tied to a tree
and flailed.”[2]
– Mary Jones (2005).
Jones’ Celtic Encyclopedia  

“The Gallic medical writer Marcellus of Bordeaux
offers another textual reference to ‘Esus’ in his
‘De medicamentis’, a compendium of pharmacological
preparations written in Latin in the early 5th century
and the sole source for several Celtic words. The
work contains a magico-medical charm decipherable
as Gaulish which appears to invoke the aid of ‘Esus’
in curing throat trouble.”[3]
-De medicamentis 15.106, p. 121
Niedermann’s edition; Gustav Must,
“A Gaulish Incantation in Marcellus of Bordeaux,”
Language 36 (1960) 193–197; Pierre-Yves Lambert,
“Les formules de Marcellus de Bordeaux,”
in La langue gauloise (Éditions Errance 2003),
p.179, citing Léon Fleuriot,
“Sur quelques textes gaulois,”
Études celtiques 14
(1974) 57–66. 


“M. Reinach applies one formula to the subjects
of these altars—”The Divine Woodman hews the Tree
of the Bull with Three Cranes.” in the imagery,
the bull and tree are perhaps both divine, and the
divine bull, is three-horned, then the three cranes
may be a rebus for three-horned (trinity), or more
probably three-headed.  In early ritual, human, animal,
or arboreal representatives of the god were
periodically destroyed to ensure fertility.
The destruction or slaying was regarded as a
sacrifice to the god.  Human sacrifices to ‘Esus’
were suspended from a tree. ‘Esus’ was worshipped
at Paris and at Trèves; a coin with the name ‘Æsus’
was found in England; and personal names like Esugenos,
“son of Esus,” and Esunertus, “he who has
the strength of Esus,” occur in England, France, and
Switzerland. Thus the cult of this god may have been
comparatively widespread. This triad, introduced by
Gauls, was not accepted by the Druids.  Lucan lays
stress merely on the fact that they were worshipped
with human sacrifice, and they were apparently more
or less well-known local gods.”[4]
– J. A. MacCulloch (1911). ‘Chapter III.
The Gods of Gaul and the Continental Celts.’
The Religion of the Ancient Celts.
New York: Dover Publications. ISBN 048642765X.

“A well-known section in Lucan’s Bellum civile
talks about the gory sacrificial offerings
proffered to a ‘triad’ (trinity) of Celtic deities:
Teutates, Hesus (an aspirated form of Esus), and
-M. Annaeus Lucanus (61-65 CE).
Bellum civile I.445. 

“…and those Gauls who propitiate with human
sacrifices the merciless gods Teutas, ‘Esus’ and
Taranis – at whose alters the visitany shudders
because they are as awe-inspiring as those of
the Scythian Diana.”
– Lucan, Pharsalia I, 422-465 

“And those who pacify with blood accursed
Savage Teutates, ‘Hesus’ horrid shrines,
And Taranis’ altars cruel as were those
Loved by Diana, goddess of the north.
While you, ye Druids, when the war was done,
To mysteries strange and hateful rites returned:
secluded groves Your dwelling-place, and forests
far remote.”
– Lucan, Pharsalia I, 495-510 

” ‘Esus’ or ‘Hesus’.  – Important god of ancient Gaul,
known both from Latin commentaries and from
archeological evidence.”
-MacKillop, James.
A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology.
Oxford University Press, November 2000.

“Although the ‘Esus’ cult was thought to be confined
to Gaul, the discovery of *Lindow Man, the body of
an ancient human sacrifice found in Cheshire England
in 1984, implied the propitiation of ‘Esus’ in Britain.
Although ‘Esus’ was worshipped in many parts of Gaul,
he appears to have been the eponymous god of the
Esuvii of northwest Gaul, on the English Channel,
coextensive with the modern French Department of
– Waldemar Deonnna, ‘Les Victimes d’Esus,
Ogam, 10 (1958), 3-29; Paul-Marie Duval,
‘Teutates, Esus, Taranis’, Etudes Celtiques,
8 (1958), 41-58; Anne Ross, ‘Esus et les trois
“Grues”‘, Etudes Celtiques, 9 (1960/1), 405-38.


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