All posts by researchsupportsthetruth

Hiding Christ’s Jewish Heritage


Hiding Christ’s Jewish Heritage

“Seldom does it dawn upon the traditional Christian
the fact that Christ, as depicted in the New Testament,
was a faithful  “Orthodox Jew” with a completely
different “religious belief system” than that of
a typical Christian today.”
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.  

“Christianity has its roots in Judaism
and in the Jewish people.”
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.

“In The New Testament – all the disciples of Christ
 were Jewish.  The very concept of a Messiah is
nothing but Jewish. It was Jews who brought the
“good news” to the Gentiles. The Lord’s Supper is
rooted in the Jewish Passover and Sabbath traditions
and the entire “New Testament” is built on the Hebrew
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.  

“the first generation of Christians regarded themselves
as faithful Jews, and saw their faith and hope in the
Jewish Messiah as the fulfillment of Judaism.
So when we start thinking about Christianity,
we have to understand its very Jewish roots…”
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.  

“Three hundred years after the death of Christ –
the Roman Empire altered the teachings of the
Messiah – almost beyond recognition – as it
conformed it to their already existing pagan ideas
surrounding their sungods.”
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.  

The “Christianity” Constantine endorsed
was different from that practiced by Christ
and the apostles. The emperor accelerated
the change by his own hatred of Jews.  

“Constantine himself said, “Let us then have
nothing in common with the detestable Jewish
-(Eusebius, Life of Constantine 3, 18-19,
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 1979,
second series, Vol. 1, pp. 524-525).

“Christianity, in its earliest beginnings,
was part of Judaism… it was a sect, among
a number of varieties of Judaism in the Roman Empire.”
—The First Christians
Wrestling with their Jewish Heritage
Wayne A. Meeks:
Woolsey Professor
Biblical Studies Yale University 

“as late as the 4th and 5th century, we have evidence
of Christians still existing within Jewish communities,
and we have evidence of members of Christian communities
participating in Jewish festivals.”
—The First Christians
Wrestling with their Jewish Heritage
Wayne A. Meeks:
Woolsey Professor
Biblical Studies Yale University  

“the tensions that most people associate between
Jews and Christians do not occur before the fourth
century, when Christianity becomes the official
religion of the Roman Empire, under Constantine.”
— Early Tension between Christians and Jews
Eric Meyers: Professor of Religion and Archaeology
  Duke University 

“The real secret of Constantine and the bishops of Rome
is their cunning introduction of sun worship and paganism
into Christianity. It was done so shrewdly that,
incredibly, it has been veiled within the faith for
centuries. Through Constantine, paganism and Christianity
joined hands in the Roman Empire.”
–Beyond The Da Vinci Code
  by Alan Parker, Th.D 

“Among the contemporaries of John the Baptist
was a young man named Joshua (Jehoshua), a name
which was later translated into Greek as Jesus.”
-Jews and Christians in Rome’s Golden Age
by Frank E. Smitha 

“Like the Essenes and John the Baptist,
Jesus was a devout Jew.  He claimed that he
had come to fulfill Judaic law and the word
of the prophets, and he preached in Synagogues.
He commanded his listeners to follow the
commandments of God.”
-Jews and Christians in Rome’s Golden Age
by Frank E. Smitha 

“The fact that Jesus (Jehoshua) was a Jew
has not gone unrecognized.   Libraries and
bookstores are replete with volumes bearing
such (information)….  The point is more than
simply a historical observation. The claim that
“Jesus was a Jew” may be historically true,
but it is not central to the teaching of the church.
The problem is more than one of silence.
In the popular Christian imagination,
Jesus still remains defined, incorrectly…”
-The Christian Century
Misusing Jesus
How the church divorces Jesus from Judaism
by Amy-Jill Levine  

“When Jesus was arrested and executed,
his followers scattered to their homes,
but soon they gathered again in Jerusalem.
As Jews they continued to worship at
Jerusalem’s temple…. They saw themselves
as a group favored by Yahweh(Jehovah) within
Judaism.  According to the New Testament…
they looked forward to a second coming
of Jesus(Jehoshua) since his resurrection and to his
bringing with him the new order that Jews
had been expecting with the Messiah.”
-Jews and Christians in Rome’s Golden Age
  by Frank E. Smitha 

“During the first century, the followers of Jesus
saw themselves as righteous members of God’s chosen
people of Israel.   Luke was among these followers,
declaring that the followers of Jesus had inherited
Israel’s legacy as God’s chosen people.”
-Jews and Christians in Rome’s Golden Age
  by Frank E. Smitha 

“Among the new converts were Jews from
outside Judea — people referred to in Acts 6
of the New Testament…Peter and his group
traveled from one Jewish community to another
in cities along the coast of the eastern
Mediterranean Sea.  They proselytized with
greater zeal than did the Jews in Jerusalem.
In the Jewish communities of these cities
the number of believers in Jesus (Jehoshua)
the Messiah – grew in numbers.”
-Jews and Christians in Rome’s Golden Age
by Frank E. Smitha 
From a “Hebrew-Based” Religion
to a “Pagan-Roman Farce” 

“Roman authorities viewed the spread of Judaism
as a threat to Rome.   Jews were scorned for
refusing to burn incense before the emperor’s statue
— worse than Americans refusing to salute their flag.
Jews,  including the followers of Jesus… were disliked
for their quarrelsome denunciations of gods other
than Yahweh (Jehovah), and they were often the
targets of mockery and violence.”
-Jews and Christians in Rome’s Golden Age
by Frank E. Smitha

“The Romans absorbed the Greek prejudices
against the Jews…..”
-Judeophobia – History and analysis
of Anti-semitism, Jew-Hate and anti-“Zionism”
Chapter 2 –  in the Pagan Ancient World –
Alexandria and Rome
by Gustavo Perednik

” With the supposed conversion of the Roman
Emperor Constantine, the nature of Christianity
began to undergo a rapid and radical transformation.
In the year AD 325, the Council of Nicea was called
together by the new Emperor.  The anti-Israel spirit
of this meeting can be seen in some of the statements
of the council :  “Let us then have nothing in common
with the most hostile rabble of the Jews…. let us
withdraw ourselves… from that most odious fellowship
of the Jews.”   The triumphalistic Church of Constantine
was now effectively cut off from its Jewish roots.
It would receive its sustenance from the
Greco-Roman and pagan culture around it.
It could no longer be truly biblically-based.
The trend would continue to modern times.”
  by Jim Gerrish

“Now the Church had behind it the full power
of the Roman Empire. Any dissent would be
looked upon as criminal. From this point on
the sword of the Empire and not the sword
of the Spirit would determine church doctrine
and practice. There is no doubt that this council
was an important turning point in the history
of the Church. Israel was cast aside and the
Church officially became the (tool of Rome).
The triumphalistic Church of Constantine was now
effectively cut off from its Jewish roots.
It would receive its sustenance from the
Greco-Roman and pagan culture around it.
It could no longer be truly biblically-based.”
  by Jim Gerrish


“The traditional Christian Church has forgotten,
and even rejected, her Jewish roots.”
-The History of The Church vs The Synagogue
by Wayne Bedwell


“The name ‘Jesus’ is derived from the
ancient Hebrew name “Jehoshua”.”
-Smiths Bible Dictionary 

“The word ‘Jesus’ is the transliteration
of the Hebrew ‘Jehoshua’, meaning ‘Jehovah
is Salvation’. ”
-The Carholic Encyclopedia
  Vol. 8, p. 374  

” ‘Jesus’ was not the Messiah’s name
when He walked the earth.”
-The True Name of The Messiah
  by Neil Bornhoft

Attempts to Destroy Knowledge
of Christ’s True Name
and His Jewish Heritage

TO destroy all knowledge of two Second Century
Jewish books that it said contained ‘the true name
of Christ.’
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

“Later, in a similar manner, Pope Alexander VI
(1492 –1503) ordered all copies of the Talmud
destroyed. The Council of the Inquisition required
as many Jewish writings as possible to burn with
the Spanish Grand Inquisitor, Tomas de Torquemada
(1420 –98), responsible for the elimination of 6000
volumes at Salamanca.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

“In 1550,Cardinal Caraffa, the Inquisitor-General
procured a Bull from the Pope repealing all
previous permission for priests to read the
Talmud which he said contained ‘hostile stories
about Jesus Christ ’. Bursting forth with fury
at the head of his minions, he seized every copy
he could find in Rome and burnt them.
Solomon Romano (1554) also burnt many thousands
of Hebrew scrolls and in 1559 every Hebrew book
in the city of Prague was confiscated.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

“The mass destruction of Jewish books
included hundreds of copies of the Old Testament
and caused the irretrievable loss of many original
hand-written documents. In an attempt by the church
to remove Rabbinic information about Jesus Christ
from the face of the earth, the Inquisition burnt
12,000 volumes of the Talmud.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

“In the mass destruction of Jewish writings,
the church overlooked two particular British
documents that also recorded ‘the true name of
Jesus Christ ’. They survive to this day in
the British Museum and are called the Chronicles
and the Myvyean Manuscript treasured ancient
documents with a very early origin.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby

 “Supporting evidence (for Christ’s True Name)
was also found on early First Century gold,
silver and bronze coins discovered at the site
of an ancient mint at Camulodunum (Colchester)
in Britain. “Thus the testimony of the Briton
coins establishes clearly and positively the
historicity of the traditional ancient ‘Chronicles ’
as authentic historical records.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

“The evidence is compelling, and additional
supporting clues are found on a mysterious
headstone in Germany, in Vatican art treasures,
and in a series of coded sentences in the
Shakespearean Plays. Further concealed
information was left in the form of specially
created statues commissioned by a Catholic priest
and positioned in a small hilltop church in
Southern France. Coded ciphers were also
secreted into the first English-language
printings of the Bible and a combination
of all clues provides interlocking information
and presents a new insight into the origin of
Christianity (and of Christ’s True Name.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

“Two things indicate that Yehoshua
is the proper Hebrew name for Jesus.
Thus, it can be concluded that in
post-exilic times of the Biblical era,
the names Yeshua and Yehoshua were regarded
as equivalent.”
– The Names Yeshua and Yehoshua
Yehoshua in the Septuagint
Yehoshua in the Hebrew Bible
by Dr. James Price, professor of Hebrew  

“(From A.D. 200 to 500 ancient rabbis compiled
their commentaries on the Bible, Jewish social
customs and historical events in the Talmud.
Because it was compiled by rabbis who were
leaders in rabbinical academies, the Talmud
is considered to be very authoritative by Jews,
even to this day. “
—[Missler, Chuck,
“The Creator Beyond Time and Space”,
1996 The Word For Today, p.165] ) 

“As far as the Talmud is concerned,
it is evident that the old uncensored editions
of the Talmud associated Jesus of Nazareth
with the name Jehoshua. This is demonstrated
by the following passage: Sotah 47a
Our Rabbis have taught: Always let the left
hand thrust away and the right hand draw near.
Not like Elisha who thrust Gehazi away with both
his hands and not like ‘ Jehoshua b. Perahiah
who thrust one of his disciples away with both
his hands).11  Here, the editor’s footnote reads:
[(11) MSS. and old editions read Jesus (Jehoshua)
the Nazarene. R. T. Herford sees in Gehazi a
hidden reference to Paul. Cf. his Christianity
in Talmud and Midrash, pp. 97ff.] “
– –The Names Yeshua and Yehoshua
Yehoshua in the Septuagint
Yehoshua in the Hebrew Bible
by Dr. James Price, professor of Hebrew 

“Another interesting passage indicates that
the Talmud recorded the changing of the spelling
of a name frp, Yehoshua to Yoshua. Arachim 32b
And the other?13 – He [Ezra] had prayed for mercy
because of the passion for idolatry and he removed
it, and his merit then shielded them even as
the booth. That is why Scripture reproved Joshua,
for in all other passages it is spelt :  Jehoshua,
but here, Joshua.14 “
– –The Names Yeshua and Yehoshua
Yehoshua in the Septuagint
Yehoshua in the Hebrew Bible
by Dr. James Price, professor of Hebrew 

“the Talmudic evidence indicates that
historically the Jews regarded the name
of Jesus as ‘Yehoshua’            .”
– The Names Yeshua and Yehoshua
Yehoshua in the Septuagint
Yehoshua in the Hebrew Bible
by Dr. James Price, professor of Hebrew  

“The founder of Christianity never heard Himself
called ‘Jesus Christ’ during His life. He was known
by His Hebrew name Joshua (Jehoshua).  Even after
the crucifixion, He was referred to as Joshua or
Jehoshua, the Messiah.  It wasn’t until many years
later, when His name was changed into Greek, and
became Jesus the Christ.”
– Colliers magazine of Sept. 11, 1937
   Paul Parnell  

“It is interesting that throughout his life,
Jesus Christ never did hear himself called
by that name.”
— “Man’s Great Adventure,”
by Edwin W. Pharlow, professor of history,
Ohio State University.  

“The plan of the Greeks was simple,
they merely dropped the Hebrew terminology
of names which referred to the Hebrew deity,
and substituted the name, or letters, referring
to the name of the supreme deity, Zeus.”
-The Faith Magazine     Volume 69 

“It is known that the Greek name endings
with sus, seus, and sous which are phonetic
pronunciations for the chief Greek god of
Olympus – were attached by the Greeks
to names and geographical areas
as means to give honour to their
supreme deity, Zeus.”
-Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend
by Professor J.C.J Melfurd (1983, pg 126)  

“It is simply amazing to think that all
these years, hundreds of years, mankind
has been calling the Saviour by the wrong name!!
It’s hard to give up the name of Jesus
because it’s so deeply ingrained in us
and much has been said and done in that name.”
-Gospel of The Kingdom
True Names and Title
Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
    1931 – Ohio USA  

“Thus the whole form and character
given to his church by Christ was destroyed
and lost.   Messiah was dethroned.
It was no longer the church of Christ. 
(Instead) It was fashioned upon the principles
of paganism… And upon this, it has been
since modeled…in every country!”
Union of Church and State, pg. 37

Hiding Christ’s Jewish Heritage


Hiding Christ’s Jewish Heritage

“Seldom does it dawn upon the traditional Christian
the fact that Christ, as depicted in the New Testament,
was a faithful  “Orthodox Jew” with a completely
different “religious belief system” than that of
a typical Christian today.”
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.  

“Christianity has its roots in Judaism
and in the Jewish people.”
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div. 

“In The New Testament – all the disciples of Christ
 were Jewish.  The very concept of a Messiah is
nothing but Jewish. It was Jews who brought the
“good news” to the Gentiles. The Lord’s Supper is
rooted in the Jewish Passover and Sabbath traditions
and the entire “New Testament” is built on the Hebrew
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div. 

“the first generation of Christians regarded themselves
as faithful Jews, and saw their faith and hope in the
Jewish Messiah as the fulfillment of Judaism.
So when we start thinking about Christianity,
we have to understand its very Jewish roots…”
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.  

“Three hundred years after the death of Christ –
the Roman Empire altered the teachings of the
Messiah – almost beyond recognition – as it
conformed it to their already existing pagan ideas
surrounding their sungods.”
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.  

The “Christianity” Constantine endorsed
was different from that practiced by Christ
and the apostles. The emperor accelerated
the change by his own hatred of Jews. 

“Constantine himself said, “Let us then have
nothing in common with the detestable Jewish
-(Eusebius, Life of Constantine 3, 18-19,
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 1979,
second series, Vol. 1, pp. 524-525).

“Christianity, in its earliest beginnings,
was part of Judaism… it was a sect, among
a number of varieties of Judaism in the Roman Empire.”
—The First Christians
Wrestling with their Jewish Heritage
Wayne A. Meeks:
Woolsey Professor
Biblical Studies Yale University 

“as late as the 4th and 5th century, we have evidence
of Christians still existing within Jewish communities,
and we have evidence of members of Christian communities
participating in Jewish festivals.”
—The First Christians
Wrestling with their Jewish Heritage
Wayne A. Meeks:
Woolsey Professor
Biblical Studies Yale University  

“the tensions that most people associate between
Jews and Christians do not occur before the fourth
century, when Christianity becomes the official
religion of the Roman Empire, under Constantine.”
— Early Tension between Christians and Jews
Eric Meyers: Professor of Religion and Archaeology
  Duke University 

“The real secret of Constantine and the bishops of Rome
is their cunning introduction of sun worship and paganism
into Christianity. It was done so shrewdly that,
incredibly, it has been veiled within the faith for
centuries. Through Constantine, paganism and Christianity
joined hands in the Roman Empire.”
–Beyond The Da Vinci Code
  by Alan Parker, Th.D 

“Among the contemporaries of John the Baptist
was a young man named Joshua (Jehoshua), a name
which was later translated into Greek as Jesus.”
-Jews and Christians in Rome’s Golden Age
by Frank E. Smitha 

“Like the Essenes and John the Baptist,
Jesus was a devout Jew.  He claimed that he
had come to fulfill Judaic law and the word
of the prophets, and he preached in Synagogues.
He commanded his listeners to follow the
commandments of God.”
-Jews and Christians in Rome’s Golden Age
by Frank E. Smitha 

“The fact that Jesus (Jehoshua) was a Jew
has not gone unrecognized.   Libraries and
bookstores are replete with volumes bearing
such (information)….  The point is more than
simply a historical observation. The claim that
“Jesus was a Jew” may be historically true,
but it is not central to the teaching of the church.
The problem is more than one of silence.
In the popular Christian imagination,
Jesus still remains defined, incorrectly…”
-The Christian Century
Misusing Jesus
How the church divorces Jesus from Judaism
by Amy-Jill Levine  

“When Jesus was arrested and executed,
his followers scattered to their homes,
but soon they gathered again in Jerusalem.
As Jews they continued to worship at
Jerusalem’s temple…. They saw themselves
as a group favored by Yahweh(Jehovah) within
Judaism.  According to the New Testament…
they looked forward to a second coming
of Jesus(Jehoshua) since his resurrection and to his
bringing with him the new order that Jews
had been expecting with the Messiah.”
-Jews and Christians in Rome’s Golden Age
  by Frank E. Smitha 

“During the first century, the followers of Jesus
saw themselves as righteous members of God’s chosen
people of Israel.   Luke was among these followers,
declaring that the followers of Jesus had inherited
Israel’s legacy as God’s chosen people.”
-Jews and Christians in Rome’s Golden Age
  by Frank E. Smitha 

“Among the new converts were Jews from
outside Judea — people referred to in Acts 6
of the New Testament…Peter and his group
traveled from one Jewish community to another
in cities along the coast of the eastern
Mediterranean Sea.  They proselytized with
greater zeal than did the Jews in Jerusalem.
In the Jewish communities of these cities
the number of believers in Jesus (Jehoshua)
the Messiah – grew in numbers.”
-Jews and Christians in Rome’s Golden Age
by Frank E. Smitha 

From a “Hebrew-Based” Religion
to a “Pagan-Roman Farce” 

“Roman authorities viewed the spread of Judaism
as a threat to Rome.   Jews were scorned for
refusing to burn incense before the emperor’s statue
— worse than Americans refusing to salute their flag.
Jews,  including the followers of Jesus… were disliked
for their quarrelsome denunciations of gods other
than Yahweh (Jehovah), and they were often the
targets of mockery and violence.”
-Jews and Christians in Rome’s Golden Age
by Frank E. Smitha

“The Romans absorbed the Greek prejudices
against the Jews…..”
-Judeophobia – History and analysis
of Anti-semitism, Jew-Hate and anti-“Zionism”
Chapter 2 –  in the Pagan Ancient World –
Alexandria and Rome
by Gustavo Perednik

” With the supposed conversion of the Roman
Emperor Constantine, the nature of Christianity
began to undergo a rapid and radical transformation.
In the year AD 325, the Council of Nicea was called
together by the new Emperor.  The anti-Israel spirit
of this meeting can be seen in some of the statements
of the council :  “Let us then have nothing in common
with the most hostile rabble of the Jews…. let us
withdraw ourselves… from that most odious fellowship
of the Jews.”   The triumphalistic Church of Constantine
was now effectively cut off from its Jewish roots.
It would receive its sustenance from the
Greco-Roman and pagan culture around it.
It could no longer be truly biblically-based.
The trend would continue to modern times.”
  by Jim Gerrish

“Now the Church had behind it the full power
of the Roman Empire. Any dissent would be
looked upon as criminal. From this point on
the sword of the Empire and not the sword
of the Spirit would determine church doctrine
and practice. There is no doubt that this council
was an important turning point in the history
of the Church. Israel was cast aside and the
Church officially became the (tool of Rome).
The triumphalistic Church of Constantine was now
effectively cut off from its Jewish roots.
It would receive its sustenance from the
Greco-Roman and pagan culture around it.
It could no longer be truly biblically-based.”
  by Jim Gerrish 

“The traditional Christian Church has forgotten,
and even rejected, her Jewish roots.”
-The History of The Church vs The Synagogue
by Wayne Bedwell 

“The name ‘Jesus’ is derived from the
ancient Hebrew name “Jehoshua”.”
-Smiths Bible Dictionary 

“The word ‘Jesus’ is the transliteration
of the Hebrew ‘Jehoshua’, meaning ‘Jehovah
is Salvation’. ”
-The Carholic Encyclopedia
  Vol. 8, p. 374 

” ‘Jesus’ was not the Messiah’s name
when He walked the earth.”
-The True Name of The Messiah
  by Neil Bornhoft 

Attempts to Destroy Knowledge
of Christ’s True Name
and His Jewish Heritage

TO destroy all knowledge of two Second Century
Jewish books that it said contained ‘the true name
of Christ.’
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

“Later, in a similar manner, Pope Alexander VI
(1492 –1503) ordered all copies of the Talmud
destroyed. The Council of the Inquisition required
as many Jewish writings as possible to burn with
the Spanish Grand Inquisitor, Tomas de Torquemada
(1420 –98), responsible for the elimination of 6000
volumes at Salamanca.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

“In 1550,Cardinal Caraffa, the Inquisitor-General
procured a Bull from the Pope repealing all
previous permission for priests to read the
Talmud which he said contained ‘hostile stories
about Jesus Christ ’. Bursting forth with fury
at the head of his minions, he seized every copy
he could find in Rome and burnt them.
Solomon Romano (1554) also burnt many thousands
of Hebrew scrolls and in 1559 every Hebrew book
in the city of Prague was confiscated.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

“The mass destruction of Jewish books
included hundreds of copies of the Old Testament
and caused the irretrievable loss of many original
hand-written documents. In an attempt by the church
to remove Rabbinic information about Jesus Christ
from the face of the earth, the Inquisition burnt
12,000 volumes of the Talmud.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

“In the mass destruction of Jewish writings,
the church overlooked two particular British
documents that also recorded ‘the true name of
Jesus Christ ’. They survive to this day in
the British Museum and are called the Chronicles
and the Myvyean Manuscript treasured ancient
documents with a very early origin.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

 “Supporting evidence (for Christ’s True Name)
was also found on early First Century gold,
silver and bronze coins discovered at the site
of an ancient mint at Camulodunum (Colchester)
in Britain. “Thus the testimony of the Briton
coins establishes clearly and positively the
historicity of the traditional ancient ‘Chronicles ’
as authentic historical records.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

“The evidence is compelling, and additional
supporting clues are found on a mysterious
headstone in Germany, in Vatican art treasures,
and in a series of coded sentences in the
Shakespearean Plays. Further concealed
information was left in the form of specially
created statues commissioned by a Catholic priest
and positioned in a small hilltop church in
Southern France. Coded ciphers were also
secreted into the first English-language
printings of the Bible and a combination
of all clues provides interlocking information
and presents a new insight into the origin of
Christianity (and of Christ’s True Name.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
  by Tony Bushby 

“Two things indicate that Yehoshua
is the proper Hebrew name for Jesus.
Thus, it can be concluded that in
post-exilic times of the Biblical era,
the names Yeshua and Yehoshua were regarded
as equivalent.”
– The Names Yeshua and Yehoshua
Yehoshua in the Septuagint
Yehoshua in the Hebrew Bible
by Dr. James Price, professor of Hebrew  

“(From A.D. 200 to 500 ancient rabbis compiled
their commentaries on the Bible, Jewish social
customs and historical events in the Talmud.
Because it was compiled by rabbis who were
leaders in rabbinical academies, the Talmud
is considered to be very authoritative by Jews,
even to this day. “
—[Missler, Chuck,
“The Creator Beyond Time and Space”,
1996 The Word For Today, p.165] 

“As far as the Talmud is concerned,
it is evident that the old uncensored editions
of the Talmud associated Jesus of Nazareth
with the name Jehoshua. This is demonstrated
by the following passage: Sotah 47a
Our Rabbis have taught: Always let the left
hand thrust away and the right hand draw near.
Not like Elisha who thrust Gehazi away with both
his hands and not like ‘ Jehoshua b. Perahiah
who thrust one of his disciples away with both
his hands).11  Here, the editor’s footnote reads:
[(11) MSS. and old editions read Jesus (Jehoshua)
the Nazarene. R. T. Herford sees in Gehazi a
hidden reference to Paul. Cf. his Christianity
in Talmud and Midrash, pp. 97ff.] “
– –The Names Yeshua and Yehoshua
Yehoshua in the Septuagint
Yehoshua in the Hebrew Bible
by Dr. James Price, professor of Hebrew 

“Another interesting passage indicates that
the Talmud recorded the changing of the spelling
of a name frp, Yehoshua to Yoshua. Arachim 32b
And the other?13 – He [Ezra] had prayed for mercy
because of the passion for idolatry and he removed
it, and his merit then shielded them even as
the booth. That is why Scripture reproved Joshua,
for in all other passages it is spelt :  Jehoshua,
but here, Joshua.14 “
– –The Names Yeshua and Yehoshua
Yehoshua in the Septuagint
Yehoshua in the Hebrew Bible
by Dr. James Price, professor of Hebrew 

“the Talmudic evidence indicates that
historically the Jews regarded the name
of Jesus as ‘Yehoshua’            .”
– The Names Yeshua and Yehoshua
Yehoshua in the Septuagint
Yehoshua in the Hebrew Bible
by Dr. James Price, professor of Hebrew  

“The founder of Christianity never heard Himself
called ‘Jesus Christ’ during His life. He was known
by His Hebrew name Joshua (Jehoshua).  Even after
the crucifixion, He was referred to as Joshua or
Jehoshua, the Messiah.  It wasn’t until many years
later, when His name was changed into Greek, and
became Jesus the Christ.”
– Colliers magazine of Sept. 11, 1937
   Paul Parnell  

“It is interesting that throughout his life,
Jesus Christ never did hear himself called
by that name.”
— “Man’s Great Adventure,”
by Edwin W. Pharlow, professor of history,
Ohio State University.  

“The plan of the Greeks was simple,
they merely dropped the Hebrew terminology
of names which referred to the Hebrew deity,
and substituted the name, or letters, referring
to the name of the supreme deity, Zeus.”
-The Faith Magazine
    Volume 69 

“It is known that the Greek name endings
with sus, seus, and sous which are phonetic
pronunciations for the chief Greek god of
Olympus – were attached by the Greeks
to names and geographical areas
as means to give honour to their
supreme deity, Zeus.”
-Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend
by Professor J.C.J Melfurd (1983, pg 126)  

“It is simply amazing to think that all
these years, hundreds of years, mankind
has been calling the Saviour by the wrong name!!
It’s hard to give up the name of Jesus
because it’s so deeply ingrained in us
and much has been said and done in that name.”
-Gospel of The Kingdom
True Names and Title
Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
    1931 – Ohio USA 

“Thus the whole form and character
given to his church by Christ was destroyed
and lost.   Messiah was dethroned.
It was no longer the church of Christ. 
(Instead) It was fashioned upon the principles
of paganism… And upon this, it has been
since modeled…in every country!”
Union of Church and State, pg. 37

‘ESUS’ and JESUS’ (Coincidence?) The “Trinity” of ‘Esus”


‘ESUS’ and JESUS’ (Coincidence?)
The “Trinity” of ‘Esus”

” ‘Esus’ –  The Roman poet Lucan described ‘Esus”
in a poem, the Pharsalia, dating from the 1st c. AD,..
In it, he alludes to the journey of Caesar’s
troops through southern Gaul and their encounter
with three Gaulish gods: Taranis, Teutates and ‘Esus’
Lucan describes this triad (trinity) as cruel, savage
and demanding…the word ‘Esus’ is not so much a name
as it is a title, meaning ‘Lord’ or ‘Good Master’.”
-Green, Miranda J.
Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend.
Thames & Hudson, March 1992. (p. 93-94)

“the cult of this god may have been comparatively
widespread. This triad (trinity), was introduced by
the Gauls… and they were apparently more or less
well-known local gods.”
– J. A. MacCulloch (1911). ‘Chapter III.
The Gods of Gaul and the Continental Celts.’
The Religion of the Ancient Celts.
New York: Dover Publications. ISBN 048642765X 

“A well-known section in Lucan’s Bellum civile
talks about the gory sacrificial offerings
proffered to a ‘triad’ (trinity) of Celtic deities:
Teutates, Hesus (an aspirated form of Esus), and
-M. Annaeus Lucanus (61-65 CE).
Bellum civile I.445.


“theological disputes over the trinity prompted
Christian scribes to alter the words of scripture
in order to make them more serviceable.”
-The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture
  BY Prof. Bart D. Ehrman 

“the manuscripts were carefully revised by the
-“Manuscripts” by Louis Bréhier
in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IX
(New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910)  

In Honor of the pagan god “Esus” (or Hesus)

After stumbling upon the ancient god called “Esus” or
“Hesus” – who was part of a trinity, one is left to wonder
if the name “Jesus” has anything to do with a deliberate
mistransliteration of his original Hebrew name – “Yehoshua”.

Some scholars believe that transliteration is not the same as
translation and allows for deliberate mistakes to be made in
favor of supporting the pagans who were leery of accepting
A Jewish Messiah in their midst.

Studies have linked the name “Jesus” to the ‘Zeus” of Greek
and Ancient Rome, but even the god of ancient Gaul “Esus”
also known as “Hesus” – brings even more light to this
matter.  With Correctores hired by Rome to rewrite scriptures
that were objectional to the pagans, one should not be surprised
that even the name of our Jewish Messiah may have been
tampered with.

It is a known fact that the name of the Jewish God of
the Bible, “Jehovah” was removed by Correctores
more than 7,000 (seven thousand) times, and replaced
by the title “LORD” formed all in capitals (to show that
an omission had taken place).

Obviously these correctores would stoop even lower to
transliterate the name of “Jehoshua” Christ into the more
palatable name of “Jesus” for the sake of the pagans of that
time period.   Let’s take a look at the god of the ancients –
whose name was “ESUS”. 

“In order to make the previously despised cult
of the Early Christians acceptable to Constantine,
emperor of Rome – the new (pagan) Church Fathers
had to remove from its teachings certain doctrines
which they knew were objectionable to Constantine.
To accomplish this, certain “correctors” were
appointed, whose task it was to rewrite the Gospels.”
-Apollonius the Nazarene Part 1:
The Historical Apollonius Versus
the Mythical Jesus
By: Dr. R. W. Bernard, Ph.D.  

“Learned men, so called Correctores were,
following the church meeting at Nicea 325 AD,
selected by the church authorities to scrutinize
the sacred texts and rewrite them in order to
correct their meaning in accordance with the views
which the church had just sanctioned.”
-Prof. Eberhard Nestle
`Introduction to the Textual Criticism
of the Greek Testament,’
Einfhrung in die Textkritik des
griechischen Testaments: Eberhard Nestle  

“the (biblical) manuscripts were carefully
revised by the correctores.”
-“Manuscripts” by Louis Bréhier
in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IX
(New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910) 

“…theological disputes, specifically disputes over
the trinity (Christology), prompted Christian scribes
to alter the words of scripture in order to make them
more serviceable.”
-The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture
Prof. Bart D. Ehrman .

“after the Council of Nicea, A.D. 325,
the manuscripts of the New Testament
were considerably tampered with by scholars,
called `correctores’, who were appointed by
the ecclesiastical authorities, and actually
commissioned to correct the text of the Scriptures
in the interest of what was considered orthodoxy.”
-Archdeacon Wilberforce
“What these `correctores’ did was to cut out
of the Gospels with minute care, certain teachings
of our Lord which they did not propose to follow.”
– “Gospel of the Holy Twelve,”
   by Rev. G. J. Ouseley  

The Ancient god called “ESUS”

” ‘Esus’ –  The Roman poet Lucan described ‘Esus”
in a poem, the Pharsalia, dating from the 1st c. AD,
the last great battle in the civil war between Pompey
and Caesar. In it, he alludes to the journey of Caesar’s
troops through southern Gaul and their encounter with
three Gaulish gods: Taranis, Teutates and ‘Esus’
(Pharsalia I, 444-6). Lucan describes this triad (trinity)
as cruel, savage and demanding of human sacrifice:
‘horrid ‘Esus’ with his wild altars’. In later commentaries
on Lucan’s poem, probably dating from the 9th c. from
Berne, ‘Esus’ is mentioned as being propitiated by human
sacrifice: men were stabbed, and hung in trees and
allowed to bleed to death.  The two commentators equate
‘Esus’ with Mars and Mercury respectively, but this may
not pose as great a problem as it first appears, since the
word ‘Esus’ is not so much a name as a title, meaning
‘Lord’ or ‘Good Master’.”
-Green, Miranda J.
Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend.
Thames & Hudson, March 1992. (p. 93-94)

‘ESUS’  and  ‘JESUS’

Some scholars have drawn attention to the
mistranslation of Christ’s name ‘Yehoshua’
to the Greek ‘Jesus’.  While some have linked
the name ‘Jesus’ to the Greek god “Zeus’,
still others have noticed the likeness of the
name ‘Jesus’ to the pagan gods “Esus’ and ‘Hesus’.
The only letter missing is the “J”.

The 18th century Druidic revivalist Iolo Morgannwg
identified ‘Esus’ with ‘Jesus’ on the strength of
the similarity of their names.

“Both Hu and HUON were no doubt originally identical
with the HEUS of Lactantius, and the ‘HESUS’ of Lucan,
described as gods of the Gauls. The similarity of the
last name to IESU [Welsh: Jesus] is obvious and
– Iolo Morganwg (1862, ed. J. Williams Ab Ithel).
The Barddas of Iolo Morganwg, Vol. I.


“A well-known section in Lucan’s Bellum civile
talks about the gory sacrificial offerings
proffered to a ‘triad’ (trinity) of Celtic deities:
Teutates, Hesus (an aspirated form of Esus), and
-M. Annaeus Lucanus (61-65 CE).
Bellum civile I.445. 

“Among a later commentator on Lucan’s work,
he identifies ‘Esus’ with Mars. According to
the Berne Commentary on Lucan, human victims
were sacrificed to Esus by being tied to a tree
and flailed.”[2]
– Mary Jones (2005).
Jones’ Celtic Encyclopedia  

“The Gallic medical writer Marcellus of Bordeaux
offers another textual reference to ‘Esus’ in his
‘De medicamentis’, a compendium of pharmacological
preparations written in Latin in the early 5th century
and the sole source for several Celtic words. The
work contains a magico-medical charm decipherable
as Gaulish which appears to invoke the aid of ‘Esus’
in curing throat trouble.”[3]
-De medicamentis 15.106, p. 121
Niedermann’s edition; Gustav Must,
“A Gaulish Incantation in Marcellus of Bordeaux,”
Language 36 (1960) 193–197; Pierre-Yves Lambert,
“Les formules de Marcellus de Bordeaux,”
in La langue gauloise (Éditions Errance 2003),
p.179, citing Léon Fleuriot,
“Sur quelques textes gaulois,”
Études celtiques 14
(1974) 57–66. 


“M. Reinach applies one formula to the subjects
of these altars—”The Divine Woodman hews the Tree
of the Bull with Three Cranes.” in the imagery,
the bull and tree are perhaps both divine, and the
divine bull, is three-horned, then the three cranes
may be a rebus for three-horned (trinity), or more
probably three-headed.  In early ritual, human, animal,
or arboreal representatives of the god were
periodically destroyed to ensure fertility.
The destruction or slaying was regarded as a
sacrifice to the god.  Human sacrifices to ‘Esus’
were suspended from a tree. ‘Esus’ was worshipped
at Paris and at Trèves; a coin with the name ‘Æsus’
was found in England; and personal names like Esugenos,
“son of Esus,” and Esunertus, “he who has
the strength of Esus,” occur in England, France, and
Switzerland. Thus the cult of this god may have been
comparatively widespread. This triad, introduced by
Gauls, was not accepted by the Druids.  Lucan lays
stress merely on the fact that they were worshipped
with human sacrifice, and they were apparently more
or less well-known local gods.”[4]
– J. A. MacCulloch (1911). ‘Chapter III.
The Gods of Gaul and the Continental Celts.’
The Religion of the Ancient Celts.
New York: Dover Publications. ISBN 048642765X.

“A well-known section in Lucan’s Bellum civile
talks about the gory sacrificial offerings
proffered to a ‘triad’ (trinity) of Celtic deities:
Teutates, Hesus (an aspirated form of Esus), and
-M. Annaeus Lucanus (61-65 CE).
Bellum civile I.445. 

“…and those Gauls who propitiate with human
sacrifices the merciless gods Teutas, ‘Esus’ and
Taranis – at whose alters the visitany shudders
because they are as awe-inspiring as those of
the Scythian Diana.”
– Lucan, Pharsalia I, 422-465 

“And those who pacify with blood accursed
Savage Teutates, ‘Hesus’ horrid shrines,
And Taranis’ altars cruel as were those
Loved by Diana, goddess of the north.
While you, ye Druids, when the war was done,
To mysteries strange and hateful rites returned:
secluded groves Your dwelling-place, and forests
far remote.”
– Lucan, Pharsalia I, 495-510 

” ‘Esus’ or ‘Hesus’.  – Important god of ancient Gaul,
known both from Latin commentaries and from
archeological evidence.”
-MacKillop, James.
A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology.
Oxford University Press, November 2000.

“Although the ‘Esus’ cult was thought to be confined
to Gaul, the discovery of *Lindow Man, the body of
an ancient human sacrifice found in Cheshire England
in 1984, implied the propitiation of ‘Esus’ in Britain.
Although ‘Esus’ was worshipped in many parts of Gaul,
he appears to have been the eponymous god of the
Esuvii of northwest Gaul, on the English Channel,
coextensive with the modern French Department of
– Waldemar Deonnna, ‘Les Victimes d’Esus,
Ogam, 10 (1958), 3-29; Paul-Marie Duval,
‘Teutates, Esus, Taranis’, Etudes Celtiques,
8 (1958), 41-58; Anne Ross, ‘Esus et les trois
“Grues”‘, Etudes Celtiques, 9 (1960/1), 405-38.



and NOT Greek or Aramaic


Are there any proofs that the original language
of the New Testament  was Hebrew, and not Greek or Aramaic?”  The answer is “Yes! 
There most definitely are many:
there are both internal and external proofs. …….

“The New Covenant’s original language was neither
Greek nor Aramaic, as popular wisdom goes,
but rather in Hebrew, the same Hebrew language
that the Tanakh, the “Old Testament”, was written in.”
-Hebrew New Testament
by, Dr.  D. Briggs, Ph.D., Walden University …….

“The New Testament WAS originally written in Hebrew.
As the following scholars agree – Bivan, Blizzard,
Grant, Loisy, Schonefield, Trimm, Minge, Segal, Dam,
etc. They all raise the flag regarding the New Testament
as being originally written in Hebrew and NOT Greek or
-Hebrew New Testament
by, Dr.  D. Briggs, Ph.D., Walden University 

“Not only is it logical that it should be Hebrew,
 since Yahushua and his disciples were from a
Hebrew speaking country, but there are many internal
and external proofs that reinforce this logic.”
-Hebrew New Testament
by, Dr.  D. Briggs, Ph.D., Walden University …….

“Furthermore, Yahushua was living in Judea,
surrounded by Jewish disciples, who had as their
sacred text a Tanakh, written almost entirely in
-Hebrew New Testament
by, Dr.  D. Briggs, Ph.D., Walden University, …….


Luke 23:38: “And a superscription also was written
over him in letters of

IF Yahushua and the Jews spoke ARAMAIC, as many have
been misled to believe, why is not Aramaic listed rather than Hebrew?
After all, this sign was written for the vast majority of Israelis,
including the common folk.  Just this single scriptural proof alone
is overwhelmingly compelling that Hebrew was very much alive
and still in use in Israel at that time. 

“Hebrew was still very much alive during
The Messiah’s earthly ministry and afterwards. 
Whom should one trust: man, who has attempted to
beguile many or scripture and Yahushua Christ Himself?
And obviously Saul (later known as the Apostle Paul),
understood Hebrew, who was educated at the feet of a
Hebrew speaking scholar.  This added proof that Hebrew
was very active in Israel during the times of Yahushua
Christ and beyond.”
-Hebrew New Testament
by, Dr.  D. Briggs, Ph.D., Walden University 

“At Matthew 5:18: Christ said “…not a jot/”yoot”
nor a tittle will pass…”  Both of these refer to
the Hebrew alphabet.  Why would Yahushua Christ refer
to Hebrew with an audience who supposedly spoke Aramaic,
and thus would not have understood Him? (obviously his
audience spoke Hebrew).”
-Hebrew New Testament
by, Dr.  D. Briggs, Ph.D., Walden University 


“Why would YHWH inspire the disciples of Christ
to write Yahushua’s biography and teachings in a
language that the Jews hated, and that the apostles
could not have known, since they were all Jewish?
Does not make sense, does it? Well, truth is,
HE did not.”
-Hebrew New Testament
by, Dr.  D. Briggs, Ph.D., Walden University …….

“What was the language of ordinary life of educated
native Jews in Jerusalem and Judaea in the period
from 400 BCE to 150 CE? The evidence presented by
Mishnaic Hebrew and its literature leaves no doubt
that that language was Mishnaic Hebrew.”
– The Companion Bible,
 E. W. Bullinger, (Appendix 94) …….

“Hebrew continued to be used as a spoken and written
language even after the fourth century, including the
New Testament period.”
-The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
 third edition, in 1997 

“Matthew put down the words of the Lord
in the Hebrew language, and others have translated
them, each as best he could.”
-Papias, bishop of Hierapolis, c. 150 A.D …….

“Matthew, indeed, produced his Gospel written
among the Hebrews in their own dialect.”
– Irenaeus (120-202 A.D.)
Bishop of Lions, France 

“There were debates raging concerning the
destruction of the scrolls of the New Testament,
because they contain the divine Name of God in
Hebrew (YHWH).”  This debate clearly documents
that the gospels were written in Hebrew in early
church history.
-the Babylonian Talmud (Shabbat 116a),
the Jerusalem Talmud (Shabbat 15c),
 and the Tosefta (Shabbat 13:5). 

“The first Gospel composed in the Hebrew language,
was written by Matthew…for those who came to faith
from Judaism.”
-Origen (225 A.D.) 

“Matthew had first preached to the Hebrews,
and when he was about to go to others also,
he transmitted his Gospel in writing in his
native language” 
– (Ecclesiastical History III 24, 6) 

“Matthew collected and wrote the oracles
in the Hebrew language”
-(Ecclesiastical History, III, 39, 16).

“both the Church Fathers as well as the recently
discovered Dead Sea Scrolls state quite clearly
and without any equivocation that Hebrew WAS the
language spoken and written at the time of the
Messiah and his Disciples.”
-Hebrew New Testament
by, Dr.  D. Briggs, Ph.D., Walden University 

“the issue of the New Testament being written
in Greek or Aramaic was non-existent prior to
the Fourth or Fifth Century A.D.  It has been
a rather modern theory based upon anti-semitism
which is a hatred of anything Jewish.”
-Hebrew New Testament
by, Dr.  D. Briggs, Ph.D., Walden University




“The devil led him (Jesus) up to a high place 
and showed him in an instant 
all the kingdoms of the world. 
And he said to him, 
“I will give you all their authority and splendor, 
for it has been given to me, 
and I can give it to anyone I want to. 
So if you worship me,  it will all be yours.” 
(Luke 4:5-8)(NIV)-BibleGateway

Notice in this account above that Jesus did not deny
that Satan held control over all the political kingdoms 
of the world – but still, Jesus rejected Satan’s offer.
He not only refused – but told Satan to go away.

“Jesus answered, “Go away Satan!…”
(Matthew 4:10)(CEV)-BibleGateway

“Satan is actively involved in the political process. 
In fact, he said to Christ, “I will give you all this 
domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me,
and I give it to whomsoever I wish. Therefore if you 
worship before me it shall all be yours” (Luke 4:6-7).
The book of Daniel teaches that there are wicked spirits
who are assigned to various leaders. There is no question
that some world leaders are but tools of the devil.”
-Studies in Revelation
By: J. Hampton Keathley, III , Th.M.
The Description of Religious Babylon 



“Get away from me, Satan,” was Jesus’ reply. 
This same fiend returned after three hundred years, 
and, leading the pontiff to the summit of the Roman hill,
showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory 
of them.  All these, said he, will I give thee, 
if thou wilt fall down and worship me.”  No second 
denial awaited the tempter: instantly the knee was bent, 
and the pontiff raised his head crowned with the tiara.” 
– History of the Papacy
  by Rev. J.A. Wylie, LL.D.  
  Book I – Chapter III
  Rise and Progress of the Temporal Sovereignty.

“The mighty Catholic Church was little more then
the Roman Empire baptized.”
– A. C, Flick, 
The Rise of the Mediaeval Church, 
1909 edition, p. 148. 

“In 314 A.D., Pope Silvester was crowned by Emperor
Constantine, as Bishop of Rome. The Pope wanted to 
have the favor of the Roman Emperor. This alliance
between Pope and Emperor created the Roman Catholic
-Unmasking Catholicism
Mary Ann Collins, a former Catholic nun
Chapter 11; Imperial Popes
“the popes have been imitating the Byzantine emperor 
in dress, attributes, and official ceremonial.
They vested themselves with the imperial purple, 
wore the red shoes traditionally associated with the 
Byzantine emperor, adorned their heads with crowns, 
and carried sceptres.
  They assumed the right to humble 
the mightiest potentates and dismiss them from their 
 As a consequence, the pope was often described
as a monarch, and it was said of him that he was the true emperor.”
-Myrio Biblos Library; Milton V. Anastos
Chapter 23; The popes and temporal power:
Summary and epilogue
Aspects of the Mind of Byzantium; M.Anastos 
(Political Theory, Theology, and Ecclesiastical 
Relations with the See of Rome),
Ashgate Publications, 
Variorum Collected Studies Series, 
2001. ISBN: 0 86078 840 7. 

“The Bishop of Rome, in the seat of the Caesars, 
was now the greatest man in the West, and would soon 
become the political as well as the spiritual head.”
-A.C. Flick, 
The Rise of the Mediaval Church; p. 168.

“As heirs of the Roman imperial government, 
enthroned in the first capital of the Empire, 
the popes developed and extended such rights, 
as they believed were granted them…they created 
a doctrine that the pope of Rome was supreme over 
both Church and State.”
-Myrio Biblos Library; Milton V. Anastos
Chapter 23; The popes and temporal power:
Summary and epilogue
Aspects of the Mind of Byzantium; M.Anastos 
(Political Theory, Theology, and Ecclesiastical 
Relations with the See of Rome),
Ashgate Publications, 
Variorum Collected Studies Series, 
2001. ISBN: 0 86078 840 7. 

“Whatever Roman elements the barbarians and Aryans 
left…came under the protection of the Bishop of Rome,
who was the chief person there after the Emperor’s 
disappearance. The Roman Church in this way privily 
pushed itself into the place of the Roman World-Empire, 
of which it is the actual continuation;
 the empire has 
not perished, but has only undergone a ransformation
The Catholic Church is a political creation, and as 
imposing as a World-Empire, because it is a continuation 
of the Roman Empire.
 The Pope, who calls himself ‘King’ 
and ‘Pontifex Maximus’ [the title of the Roman Emperor 
in the time of Christ], is Caesar’s successor.”
–Adolf Harnack;
What is Christianity? 1963, pp. 269-270.

“thus…commenced the temporal sovereignty of the
popes.  Stepping to the throne of Caesar, 
the vicar of
Christ took up the scepter to which the emperors and 
kings of Europe were to bow in reverence through 
so many ages.”
-American Catholic Quarterly Review, April, 1911.

“…the Catholic Church…will survive the Empire…
the Pope will be the master–more then this, he will be
the master of all Europe.
  He will dictate his orders 
to kings who will obey them
–Andrea Lagarde, 
The Latin Church in the Middle Ages, 1915, p. vi. 
“The popes filled the place 
of the vacant emperors at Rome, 
inheriting their power, their prestige, 
and their titles from PAGANISM
-Stanley’s History, page 40

“At almost every stage of the development since the end 
of the second century, we find the pope of Rome seeking 
to exercise authority of universal scope and demanding 
recognition as sole and absolute ruler.”
-Myrio Biblos Library; Milton V. Anastos
Chapter 23; The popes and temporal power:
Summary and epilogue
Aspects of the Mind of Byzantium; M.Anastos 
(Political Theory, Theology, and Ecclesiastical 
Relations with the See of Rome),
Ashgate Publications, 
Variorum Collected Studies Series, 
2001. ISBN: 0 86078 840 7. 

“…the Roman Pontiff, is the Vicar of…the earth 
…the world and all that dwell therein, the fullest authority…
in not only the spiritual but also the material sword, 
and so he can transfer sovereignties, 
break scepters and remove crowns.” 
-[Catholic Dictionary, p 258]

“The Pope is one of the greatest fiscal powers
in the world.” 
-[The Vatican Empire, p.8] 




“The Pope is – as it were – God on earth, 
sole sovereign of the faithful of Christ, 
chief of kings, having plenitude of power, 
to whom has been entrusted by the omnipotent God
direction not only of the earthly but also of
the heavenly kingdom. The Pope is of so great 
authority and power that he can modify, explain, 
or interpret even divine laws.”
– [Luclus Ferraris, Vol 6, p.26]

II Thess. 2:4, 
“He will oppose and will exalt himself 
over everything that is called God 
or is worshipped, so that he sets himself up 
in God’s temple, 
proclaiming himself to be God.”

“The Roman Pontiff has from on high 
an authority which is supreme, 
above all others and subject to none. 
-[Pope Pius XI said in his Encyclical,
 Light of Truth, page 5]

“The Popes hold upon this earth 
the place of God almighty.”
– [Pope Leo XIII, Great Encyclical Letters, 304]

“…the Roman Pontiff…requires complete submission
and obedience of will to the church and to the Roman
Pontiff as to God Himself.” 
-[Great Encyclical Letters of Leo XIII, p. 193] 

 “They have assumed infallibility, 
which belongs only to God. 
They profess to forgive sins, 
which belongs only to God. 
They profess to open and shut heaven, 
which belongs only to God. 
They profess to be higher than all the kings 
of the earth. which belongs only to God. 
And they go beyond God in pretending to loose 
whole nations from their oath of allegiance to 
their kings, when such kings do not please them. 
And they go against God, when they give indulgences 
for sin. This is the worst of all blasphemies.” 
– Taken from -ADAMCLARKE, 
commentary, on Daniel 7:25

Pope John Paul II said :
“Don’t go to God for forgiveness of sins, 
come to me.” 
-The Los Angeles Times; December 12,1984
Quoting : Pope John Paul II



While Jesus humbly bent and washed the feet of his disciples
the Popes require their subjects to kiss their feet and kiss
the rings on their hands and to bow down before them.

How different from the example that Jesus set.

Jesus humbly washed the feet of the Apostle Peter.
In sharp contrast – the popes required their own feet
to be kissed.
“Pope Eugenius II., who died in 827, was the first
pope who made it the law to kiss the papal foot
From that time it was necessary to kneel before 
all the popes
.  Pope Gregory VII ordered all princes
to submit to this practice.”
-The Religion of Rome
by C. H. Spurgeon
From the January 1873 Sword and Trowel
Kissing of the feet “Emperor Justin paid this mark of
respect to Pope John I (523-26).  It is also found in 
the “adoration” of the pope by the cardinals after his
  It is also the normal salutation which papal 
etiquette prescribes for those of the faithful who are
presented to the pope in a private audience
.  In his 
“De altaris mysterio” (VI, 6)- Pope Innocent III
explains that this ceremony indicates the very great
reverence which is due to the Supreme Pontiff.”
-The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII
Kissing of the Feet
Copyright © 1910 by Robert Appleton Company
Nihil Obstat, October 1, 1910. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., 
Censor Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, 
Archbishop of New York

Yassar Arrafat “Kissing” the Pope’s Ring.  
Above is an arial picture of many priests
lying prostrate on the ground – face down
before the pope.  Surely this is an act of worship.

“On that day the Lord of All 
will be against everyone who is proud 
and feels important, and against all who are honored. 
They will be put to shame.”
(Isaiah 2:12)(NLV)-BibleGateway
“For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, 
and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
(Matthew 23:12)(NIV)-BibleGateway
“The lofty looks of man shall be brought low, 
and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, 
and Jehovah alone shall be exalted in that day.”
(Isaiah 2:12)(ASV)-BibleGateway



The Great “APOSTASY”

“Apostatizing Christianity JUMPED IN BED with paganism! 
The wicked apostate Church fornicated spiritually 
with the heathen, pagan religions of the world.”
-The Surprising Origin of CHRISTMAS! 
Hope of Israel Ministries

“Let no one in any way deceive you, 
for it will not come unless the APOSTASY
comes first…”
(2Thessalonians 2:3)(NASB)-BibleGateway

The Apostasy – “that fatal period when 
the Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian;
From this time onward – the Christians had no more 
of the Spirit of Christ than the heathens….”
-John Wesley
(Wesley’s Works, vol 7, Sermon 89, pp. 26-27)

 “The religion builders have so distorted and deformed 
the doctrines of Jesus, so muffled them in mysticisms,
fancies, and falsehoods, and have caricatured them into 
forms so inconceivable, as to shock reasonable thinkers. 
Happy in the prospect of a restoration of primitive 
Christianity…to lop off the false branches which have 
been engrafted into it by the mythologists of the middle 
and modern ages.”
-Thomas Jefferson
(Jefferson’s Complete Works, vol 7, pp 210, 257).

“The Churches don’t want you to hear or understand 
that Christianity was changed. And that the churches 
that we have today do not resemble the churches of 
the early believers – and what they lived and died for. 
We’ve been sold down the river of deception for almost 
1700 years.”
-Where The Churches Went Wrong:
The Deception of the Ages 
By Sherry Shriner

“As this massive apostasy from His teachings was taking
place, what happened to the group labeled Jewish 
Christians?  As startling as it may sound, the religion 
the world knows as Christianity was not founded by Jesus 
Christ!  Within the span of three hundred years, this 
religion had become a vast organization with a clergy 
presiding over rites taken from pagan mysteries 
and it had borrowed the best elements of Greek philosophy 
and had formed a dogma appealing to human reason and 
emotion. This religious organization had become a 
powerful political force in the Roman Empire. 
But it was not the Church established by Christ!”
-In Search of Early Christianity (part 1 & 2)
  by Wesley White

The Apostles Foretold – The Great Apostasy

The apostles foretold, that after their going away, 
oppressive wolves would enter in among the congregation, 
and would not treat the flock with tenderness. 

“I know that after I leave, 
savage wolves will come in among you 
and will not spare the flock. 
Even from your own number 
men will arise and distort the truth 
in order to draw away disciples after them.”  
(Acts 20:29-31) (New International Version)

Yes, the apostles foretold in advance that a great 
apostasy would set in, where the truth would be traded 
for the lie, and that mankind would prefer the lie. 

Apostasy – “God’s Spirit clearly says that in the 
last days many people will turn from their faith. 
They will be fooled by evil spirits and by teachings 
that come from demons.”
(1Timothy 4:1)(CEV)-BibleGateway

“…because they did not receive the love of the truth 
…For this reason God will send upon them a deluding 
influence so that they will believe what is false…”
(2Thessalonians 2:10,11)(NASB)-BibleGateway

Yes, mankind would accumulate teachers for themselves 
in order to have their ears tickled. 

“For the time will come 
when men will not put up with sound doctrine. 
Instead, to suit their own desires, 
they will gather around them 
a great number of teachers 
to say what their itching ears want to hear. 
They will turn their ears away from the truth 
and turn aside to myths.”
(2Timothy 4:3-4) (New International Version)

John foretold, in the book of Revelation, 
that this great apostasy would be called by a 
name, “Babylon the Great”.  He likened her to a woman 
who prostitutes herself to the kings of the earth.

Since Babylon, no longer existed at the time of John’s 
writing, it is evident that this apostasy would remind 
one of Ancient Babylon, and be a Greater Archtype..

Yes the Apostasy, or falling away of the true faith, 
would be marked by Christendom’s trading the truth of
Jesus, and the apostles, for the lies of ancient Babylon.

The stake of Jesus would be traded for the “Cross” of 
the pagans.  The resurrection to either heavenly or
earthly life, would be traded for the immortality of the 
human soul, purgatory, and the hellfire of Ancient 

The worship of the Almighty God Jehovah, through the 
mediator, Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, would be 
traded for the false doctrine of the Trinity, handed down 
from Ancient Babylon. 

The Sabbath on Saturday would be traded for Pagan Sunday 
(Sun Worship)…Vestal Virgins (nuns), forced celibacy, 
Christmas, Easter, All Hallows Eve, Saint Worship, and 
many other doctrines of Babylonian origin would soon 
replace  pure worship. 

The Roman Church would adopt all these pagan philosophies,
idolatries, and holidays, to keep their pagan conquests 
quiet and satisfied. This spiritual blindness would exist
 for a period of time, until the time of the end. 

Apostate Cruelty

I see 
the desolation of Christendom…..
the ruined women, 
the murdered innocents;
I hear the lying absolutions, the dying groans; 
I hear the cries of the victims; I hear the anathemas,
the curses, the thunders of the interdicts; 
I see the racks, the dungeons, the stakes;
I see that inhuman Inquisition,
those fires of Smithfield, 
those butcheries of St. Bartholomew…
that dreadful multitude of massacres.
I see it all, and in the name of the ruin 
it has brought in the Church and in the world,
in the name of the truth it has denied, 
the temple it has defiled, 
the God it has blasphemed, 
the souls it has destroyed; 
in the name of the millions it has deluded, 
the millions it has slaughtered, 
the millions it has damned; 
with holy confessors, with noble reformers, 
with innumerable martyrs, with the saints of ages,
I denounce it as “the masterpiece of Satan”, 
as the body and soul and essence of antichrist.”
– 1880s,  Dr. H. Grattan Guinness 

“In Italy, the Inquisition was condemning people 
to death until the end of the eighteenth century, 
and inquisitional torture was not abolished 
in the Catholic Church until 1816.”
–Carl Sagan, esteemed scientist 

“There has been no more organized effort by a religion
to control people and contain their spirituality 
than the Christian Inquisition…  Pope Innocent III 
declared “that anyone who attempted to construe 
a personal view of God – which conflicted with Church 
dogma – must be burned without pity.”
–Helen Ellerbe 
(author of The Dark Side of Christian History)

“In Rome, in 1849, I myself visited every convent.
I was present at all the investigations. 
Without a single exception we found 
instruments of torture, 
and a cellar with the bodies of infant children.” 
— The Italian patriot, Garibaldi

“So that the torturers would not be disturbed 
by the shrieking of the victim, 
his mouth was stuffed with cloth. 
Three- and four-hour sessions of torture 
were nothing unusual. During the procedure 
the instruments were frequently 
sprinkled with holy water.”
-Instruments of Torture: Medieval to Modern

“Such was the Inquisition, declared by the Spirit of God 
to be at once the offspring and the image of the popedom. 
It might have spread literature, peace, freedom, and 
Christianity  to the ends of Europe, or the world.
But its nature was hostile; its fuller triumph only 
disclosed its fuller evil; and, to the shame of human 
reason, and the terror and suffering of human virtue,
Rome, in the hour of its consummate grandeur, teemed with 
the monstrous and horrid birth of the INQUISITION!”
Edited by William Byron Forbush

“The church was responsible for persecuting Jews, 
for the Inquisition, for slaughtering heretics by the 
thousand, for reintroducing torture into Europe as part 
of the judicial process. Popes appointed and sacked even
emperors, demanded that they impose Christianity on their
subjects under the threat of torture and death. The cost 
to the Gospel message was horrendous.” 
-The book- Vicars of Christ-
The Dark Side of the Papacy;
  by Peter De Rosa

“The prestige of Christianity in the world 
has been gravely impaired by the frequency 
with which the so-called Christian nations 
have used violence.”
– U.S.News & World Report 

Apostate Holidays

“The Christian Church is entrenched deeply
in the ancient Babylonian mystery religion, 
only today it is referred to as ‘traditions’.
Many of God’s people, as well as the secular earth, 
are guilty of giving in to Babylon’s pageantry and 
paganism. Most Christians either don’t know or care 
to know the truth of these pagan ties.”
-The Pagan History of Christmas
by  Dr. Joel Ehrlich

“By the turn of the second century, 
there were thousands of professing Christians
—but only a tiny few held fast to what they 
had been taught by the original apostles.
This new “Christianity” altered and rejected 
the true teachings of the Bible and embraced 
many pagan traditions and customs.”
– Popular Religious Holidays 
Where They Really Came From 

Easter and Christmas – “These holidays represent 
only part of the great apostasy that has come upon 
God’s people in the latter days. They cumulatively 
fulfill what are known as the latter day prophesies 
that predict a great apostasy before the coming of 
-The Pagan History of Christmas
by  Dr. Joel Ehrlich

“The forms and ceremonies of paganism 
gradually crept into the worship.of Christendom.
Some of the old heathen feasts became
church festivals – with change of name…. “
– (Story of the Christian Church, p.79) ; 
        Jesse Lyman Hurlbut 

“Like Christmas, the origins of Easter 
are deeply rooted in pagan customs. 
It was A.D. 325 when Easter displaced 
Christ’s Passover.  Christ actually commanded
us to keep the Passover, in memory of him.
(Luke 22:13-20).”
– Popular Religious Holidays 
Where They Really Came From 

“It is interesting that the holiest day 
of the liturgical Christian year, 
Easter Sunday, bears the name of 
the pagan sex goddess Eastre
and the pagan sun god Solis.”
-Panati, Charles. Sacred Origins of Profound Things. 
New York:  Penguin Books USA Inc., 1996. 

“Again, the history of these days shows that they began 
in heathen paganism and were adopted by an APOSTATE
so-called Christian group. To participate in them religiously
is to participate in pagan, apostate religion.”
-Should We Observe Religious Holy Days
  Such as Christmas, Easter, and Lent?
The Gospel Way; by David E. Pratte (1999)


Apostate Doctrines

“By the end of the first century, 
all of the original apostles had died. 
This vacuum was quickly filled by false leaders, 
who taught that God’s laws were no longer necessary
and that Christians were now solely under grace. 
All one needed to do was simply “believe.” 
Works were no longer required. Thus, grace was 
turned into a license to sin.” (I John 3:4).
– Popular Religious Holidays 
Where They Really Came From 
“Intimately acquainted with the Scriptures, Porphyry 
showed that the Christians of his day had abandoned the
teachings of Christ and had introduced a new cult in which
Jesus Himself was deified. Since they were unable to 
counter his accusations, the church fathers grew even 
more vehement in their attempts to destroy the Bible.”
-In Search of Early Christianity (part 2)
  by Wesley White

“A Great apostate pagan trinity doctrine 
has infiltrated the Christian Churches. 
Trinity or polytheism came from Babylon. 
The infiltration of this great apostate 
pagan doctrine has cause a great deception 
by Satan in theology. Most churches are teaching 
this great apostasy and worship the Trinity, 
which in actuality is pagan. Most Churches have 
departed from the true doctrine that was given 
unto the church by Jesus Christ and the Apostles.”
-Trinity Is The Great Apostasy 
To Infiltrate Christianity
by Thunder Ministries

“By adopting the trappings of paganism, 
Christianity reverted to an ancient past. 
By converting to Catholicism, they fell back
into a form of polytheism evidenced by belief
in the trinity.”
-Those Incredible Christians; pg. 225
“The changes in the church over the first four centuries 
were bound by a subtle but. common thread: – which was 
the incorporation of the symbols and imagery of sun worship.”
-In Search of Early Christianity (part 1)
  by Wesley White
“It is astonishing how much of Christian theology 
is pagan in origin.  First Century Christians never 
believed their souls went into the starry firmament 
of heaven at death— Dead people do not “GO” anywhere. 
Good dead people do not go to heaven to float on clouds 
and walk streets of gold, and bad dead people do not go 
to a place called hell to be tortured in fire for all 
eternity. Dead people are dead and will remain dead 
until the “Resurrection from the DEAD,” and that 
resurrection is yet FUTURE.”
-The Lake of Fire – “HELL”
Installment XVI—Part A
 by L. Ray Smith
“Pagan ideas of a fiery underworld 
date back as far as Nimrod of Babylon. 
By the third century AD, many distortions 
of Bible doctrine had resulted from the church 
carelessly allowing pagan beliefs to mix with 
Apostolic teachings.”
-Shedding Light on Dark Age Doctrines: 
Eternal Torment
“The doctrine that Jesus Christ the Son of God
was – God the son – was decreed by worldly 
and ecclesiastical powers.  Men were forced to 
accept it at the point of the sword or else, 
Thus, the error of the trinity was propounded 
to the end that ultimately people believed it 
to be the truth.  Thus Christianity became in 
essence  like Babylonian heathenism, with only 
a veneer of Christian names.”
— Forgers of the Word 
-1983 Victor Paul Wierwille

Apostate Ceremonies, Rites and Creeds

“Paganism began to be grafted 
into every aspect of Christian life…”
-Robert Wilken, 
The Christians As The Romans Saw Them, p. 81

“Christianity…began with very simple practices, 
all taken from Judaism…Then they were amplified,
and gestures familiar to the pagans were added. 
It is sometimes very difficult to tell exactly 
from which pagan rite a particular Christian rite 
is derived, but it remains certain that the spirit 
of pagan ritualism became by degrees impressed upon 
Christianity, to such an extent that at last the whole 
of it – might be found distributed through its entire 
–Ancient Medieval and Modern Christianity, p. 121
   Charles Guignebert

“Most Christmas customs are, in fact, 
based on old pagan festivals.”
–Moojan Momen,
“The Phenomenon of Religion: 
A Thematic Approach”

‘Originally, Christianity honored the Jewish Sabbath 
of Saturday, but Constantine shifted it to coincide with
the pagan’s veneration day of the sun. To this day, most 
churchgoers attend services on Sunday morning with no 
idea that they are there on account of the pagan sun god’s 
weekly tribute—Sunday” 
-The Da Vinci Code, pp. 232-233 
Robert Langdon & Leigh Teabing

“Notice how today’s churches have sprung from the same 
root as paganism! Satan has created an entire system 
of “counterfeit Christianity.” He has cleverly guided 
vain religious leaders to introduce completely pagan
ideas, concepts and practices into “Christianity.” 
-Source –Satan’s Counterfeit Christianity 
 By Roderick C. Meredith

“few people nowadays realize that Christendom has sprung 
from just the same root as paganism – and that it shares 
by far the most part of its doctrines and rites with the latter” 
-Pagan and Christian creeds, 
   Edward Carpenter (pp. 11-12).

“Soon these pagan compromises developed into 
firmly held church creeds.”
-Shedding Light on Dark Age Doctrines: 
Eternal Torment

Apostasy – Bibles Banned and Burned

“During the Dark Ages (A.D. 500-1500),  
Rome burned Bibles along with their owners.”
-The Baptist Pillar
Published by Bible Baptist Church

“Canon 14. We prohibit also that the laity should 
not be permitted to have the books of the Old or 
New Testament; we most strictly forbid their having 
any translation of these books.”
– The Church Council of Toulouse 1229 AD
Source: Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe,
Scolar Press, London, England
copyright 1980 by Edward Peters,
ISBN 0-85967-621-8, pp. 194-195

“No one may possess the books of the Old 
and New Testaments, and if anyone possesses 
them he must turn them over to the local bishop 
within eight days, so that they may be burned…”
– The Church Council of Tarragona 1234 AD; 
2nd Cannon – Source : D. Lortsch, 
Historie de la Bible en France, 1910, p.14.

“Tyndale wrote that the Church authorities 
banned translation into the mother tongue 
“to keep the world still in darkness, 
to the intent they might sit through vain 
superstition and false doctrine, to satisfy 
their filthy lusts, their proud ambition, 
and insatiable covetousness, and to exalt their 
own honour… above God himself.” “
–William Tyndale’s New Testament. 
Worms (Germany), 1526
British Library C.188.a.17
Copyright © The British Library Board

“Book burnings which included Bibles 
were common after 1521. Sometimes the 
translators and publishers themselves 
were also burned. Possession of Bibles became 
criminal offenses and often resulted in the 
execution of the accused.  There are cases on 
record of people executed by order of church 
for the “crime”  of teaching their children 
the Lord’s Prayer or the Ten Commandments 
in their own native tongue.”
-What Happened this Day in Church History
June 13, 1757 • The Bible in Many Tongues.
Christian History Institute

The Apostasy and “Babylon The Great”

“The Bible specifically describes not one, 
but two “Babylons.”  Not long after the great flood, 
one “Babylon” was founded—the ancient city-state 
established by a man named “Nimrod” (Genesis 10:8-10). 
The second Babylon is a modern church-state system 
described in Revelation 17 and 18. Its leaders will 
literally fight Christ at His Second Coming .”
(Revelation 17:12-14)! “
-Source –Satan’s Counterfeit Christianity 
 By Roderick C. Meredith

“The book of Revelation is an end-time book. 
In chapter 17 we are told that Jesus Christ 
will one day pass judgment upon a “great whore” 
bearing the title mystery, babylon the great, 
the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth 
(v. 5). This is the great false Babylonian religious 
system that Nimrod founded and its many false religious 
variations or denominations throughout the world!”
– Why Christmas is (Not) So Important to God  
By Carl Hilliker and Mark Jenkins  December 2002 
article in; The Trumpet

“Babylon” is a symbol of confusion. 
The formation of the Roman Catholic church and then 
the later appearance of dozens of protestant “Daughter” 
churches has certainly brought about a spiritual malaise 
of conflicting denominations, doctrines, creeds and 
practices — all of which are supposedly “Christian.” 
Yet none of them corresponds remotely to the Christianity 
that the original Apostles and the early Church of God 
had followed for decades after the death of Jesus of 
Nazareth. They all have retained dozens of pagans ideas, 
and practices, that would have been utterly foreign 
to the early Church!  Satan has indeed done a masterful
job of creating a counterfeit Christianity.”
-Source –Satan’s Counterfeit Christianity 
 By Roderick C. Meredith 

In Conclusion

“In this age of intellectual enlightenment, 
it is amazing that the modern Christian clings to
outdated myths and practices. The one area of life-
religion- that a Christian should consider of supreme 
importance is based on fallacy. One television 
evangelist has even gone so far as to admit that a 
certain holiday is pagan in origin, yet he claims it
for Jesus just the same.”
-In Search of Early Christianity (part 2)
  by Wesley White

“Can there be any doubt what Jesus Christ thinks 
of this church? Every inhabitant of Earth has been 
made to suffer to one degree or another by the 
deceptions created by its “abominations.” 
Revelation 18:4 carries this plea: “And I heard 
another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her,
my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, 
and that ye receive not of her plagues.” 
Right now, God is sending out that same warning message 
to all who will listen: Come out of all these pagan 
practices disguised as Christianity. Don’t partake any
longer of those sins. The celebration of Christmas and 
its customs is just one of those sins. It seems harmless,
but those who stay in such deception will eventually 
have to face the wrath of Jesus Christ.”
– Why Christmas is (Not) So Important to God  
By Carl Hilliker and Mark Jenkins  December 2002 
article in; The Trumpet

“Many will say to me on that day,
‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name,
and in your name drive out demons 
and perform many miracles?’
Then I will tell them plainly,
‘I never knew you. 
Away from me, you evildoers!'”
(Matthew 7:22,23)(NIV)-BibleGateway

“You shall know the truth, 
and the truth shall make you free” 
(John 8:32).

“God is a Spirit: 
and they that worship Him must worship Him 
in spirit, and in truth” 
(John 4:24).


Contradictions or Correctores?


“Contradictions” or “Correctores” ?
Which is the Culprit?


“Contradictions” or “Correctores” ?
Which is the Culprit?

Have you ever come upon a scripture that seemed to
Contradict other scriptures that you have read?
Have you ever wondered why?

Some people get discouraged when that happens, since
they begin to doubt the Bible’s Divine inspiration.

When a discrepancy suddenly appears, before getting
disheartened, several things must be remembered.
Often, if you continue reading, the scriptures themselves,
will give you more insight and understanding and may
clear up what you have misunderstood.

Unfortunately, there is another factor that needs to
be taken into consideration.  And what is that ?


What or Who are Correctores?

“Correctores” were hired, to change or “alter” 
the verses of the Bible, so as to make the “off color” puzzle 
pieces of paganism – FIT into the Bible scriptures. 

These alterations of the Bible, can often leave the reader confused.
Because they were not part of the original text – they frequently
contradict other writings about the same subject.  It makes the 
Bible look like double talk.  It takes away the feeling of uniformity
and harmonious thought.  Since these alterations were made to
support the pagan doctrines of Rome, it is quite understandable why
they seem to contradict other scriptures – because they DO“.
They are not divinely inspired, and were forced to fit – but they DON’T“.

How and Why Did This Happen?

When the Christian Faith was ripped out of the hands
of Christ’s early followers – it was rudely taken over
by the Powers of Rome.  The Roman Empire could not
succeed in destroying the Early Christians, and began
to fear their widening popularity.  As a politcal ploy,
Rome turned Christianity into a “State” Religion,
and decided to confer upon it, all the beliefs of
her entire empire. Unfortunately for Christianity,
this meant a gelatinous mixture with all sorts of sordid
doctrines and beliefs.  Both gods and goddesses of the
pagan Empire of Rome were thus forcibly absorbed into
this “NEW” Christendom in order to satisfy all the 
subjects of Rome’s new “Universal” Religion.  Hence,
the name “CATHOLIC” was adopted, since it’s name means,

“Aware that the old religion of Rome 
was in a state of advanced decay and was
daily losing its hold on the people…
Constantine saw that by adopting Christianity 
they could take advantage of the popular prestige 
created by the martyrdom of the early Christians. 
Thereby, Constantine could cover up his own 
past crimes, gain increased public favor and 
extend and consolidate his empire.”
-Apollonius the Nazarene Part 1: 
The Historical Apollonius Versus 
the Mythical Jesus 
By: Dr. R. W. Bernard, Ph.D.

“In the year 325 A.D. was perpetrated 
one of the most colossal frauds and deceptions 
in the annals of history. This was the date of
the Council of Nicea, whose task it was 
to create a new religion that would be 
acceptable to Emperor Constantine…”
-“The Historical Apollonius 
Versus the Mythical Jesus”
By: Dr. R. W. Bernard, Ph.D.

“The Council of Nicea 
was a pivotal event in the history of Christianity.
The sudden adoption of a quasi-philosophic term
to define the historic Jesus as equal to God 
was a major departure from scripture and tradition.  
Further, the use of this term “trinity” in a Creed meant that, 
from 325 on,  Nicenes could and did proclaim other 
dogmas that have no basis in Scripture.”
– State Church of the Roman Empire; Ben H. Swett; 1998

The Pagans were happy, but what about the remnants of
Christ’s true followers?  How would they swallow the
pill of compromise that was against everything that
Jesus Christ taught?   They wouldn’t. 
But it was take it or die.   There was no choice.

“The day was to come when the Nicene party 
won out completely and then the emperors…
decreed that one who denied the Trinity 
should be put to death.”
-The Church of our Fathers – 1950, pg. 46

Along with forceful measures; Rome had to think fast
of other trickery and contrivance.  Bible’s were banned
and burned; to prevent people from checking God’s book,
and comparing it with the new Universal Faith of Rome.
When it became apparent that even burning the Bible 
would not eradicate it – then “Correctores” were hired,
to change or “alter” the verses of the Bible, so as to
make the “off color” puzzle pieces of paganism – FIT
into the Bible scriptures.  Rome could not expect a
“Perfect Fit” – but at least enough false insertions,
to keep most of the people happy.

“In order to make the previously despised cult 
of the Early Christians acceptable to Constantine, 
emperor of Rome – the new (pagan) Church Fathers 
had to remove from its teachings certain doctrines 
which they knew were objectionable to Constantine.
To accomplish this, certain “correctors” were 
appointed, whose task it was to rewrite the Gospels.”
-Apollonius the Nazarene Part 1: 
The Historical Apollonius Versus 
the Mythical Jesus 
By: Dr. R. W. Bernard, Ph.D. 

And Here – my Friend – is where we find the many 
contradictions that have kept Christians in hours of
debate and confusion.  After all these years, it is
difficult to say for sure – which parts were altered
and which were not; even though we do have some 
“apochrypha” insertions that most scholars recognize
as being false insertions that came through Rome’s
corruption influence on the Bible.

A Prime Example

A prime example of the work of the “Correctores”
is the Doctrine of the “Trinity”. 

Prior to the conquest of Christianity by Rome, all early 
Christians worshipped the God of Jesus Christ. 
He was a single God that did NOT share equality 
with anyone.

“Hear, O Israel: 
Jehovah our God is one Jehovah:
and thou shalt love Jehovah thy God 
with all thy heart, 
and with all thy soul, 
and with all thy might.”
(Deuteronomy 6:4,5)(ASV)-BibleGateway

“Praise be to the God…
our Lord Jesus Christ.”
(Ephesians 1:3)(NIV)-BibleGateway

“At first the Christian faith 
was NOT Trinitarian…”
(Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics)

“Jesus declared…’salvation is from the Jews. 
… the true worshipers will worship THE  FATHER.’ “
(John 4:23,24)(NIV)-BibleGateway

“As a follower of Christ, 
Peter used God’s name, Jehovah….. 
according to the practice during the first 
century B.C.E. and the first century C.E.”
– Paul Kahle; Studia Evangelica, edited by Kurt Aland,
F. L. Cross, Jean Danielou, Harald Riesenfeld 
and W. C. van Unnik, Berlin, 1959, p. 614
(See App 1C §1.)

“Well, be assured that the God that the Jews 
worship – is the very same God that we worship.”
–Glimpses Issue #139 : 
Why Early Christians Were So Despised;
Ken Curtis PH.D., Beth Jacobson,
Diana Severance Ph.D., 
Ann T. Snyder and Dan Graves. ©2003 
by Christian History Institute. 
“The Octavius of Minicius Felix” ;
2nd century A.D.

But, since the Roman empire was filled with 
polytheistic gods that were worshipped in groups
of three – a compromise was sought by Rome. 
Therefore, Rome turned the worship of the one God,
Jehovah, into a “Triune” Deity with His son.

“So we see the earliest forms of various 
pagan religions were really derivations of 
the One True God, Jehovah.  The more that people 
crept away from faith in God, the more elaborate 
the concoctions became regarding their view of God, 
until a “trinity” of three persons was invented.”
– The Pagan Influence Upon the Development 
   of the Doctrine of the Trinity -Michael F Blume

The Work of the “Correctores”

Rewriting the Bible
to Support the Trinity Doctrine:
“Learned men, so called Correctores were, 
following the church meeting at Nicea 325 AD,
selected by the church authorities to scrutinize
the sacred texts and rewrite them in order to 
correct their meaning in accordance with the views
which the church had just sanctioned.” 
-Prof. Eberhard Nestle 
`Introduction to the Textual Criticism 
of the Greek Testament,’ 
Einfhrung in die Textkritik des 
griechischen Testaments: Eberhard Nestle
“the (biblical) manuscripts were carefully 
revised by the correctores.”
-“Manuscripts” by Louis Bréhier 
in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IX 
(New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910)
“…theological disputes, specifically disputes over
the trinity (Christology), prompted Christian scribes
to alter the words of scripture in order to make them 
more serviceable.”
-The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture
Prof. Bart D. Ehrman 

“after the Council of Nicea, A.D. 325, 
the manuscripts of the New Testament 
were considerably tampered with by scholars, 
called `correctores’, who were appointed by 
the ecclesiastical authorities, and actually 
commissioned to correct the text of the Scriptures 
in the interest of what was considered orthodoxy.” 
-Archdeacon Wilberforce
“What these `correctores’ did was to cut out 
of the Gospels with minute care, certain teachings 
of our Lord which they did not propose to follow.”
– “Gospel of the Holy Twelve,”
   by Rev. G. J. Ouseley

Should We Toss The Bible ?

Many contend that we should throw the Bible away,
simply because Rome has altered so many Bible verses,
to support her “Man-Made Dogmas”.  But should we ?

Look at it this way.

Suppose you received a long letter from someone that you
loved very much.  Imagine that one of your children
spilled chocolate ice cream on the letter and stained
several places so that some of the letter was unreadable.
Would you throw the entire letter away as a result ?
Of course NOT !  Instead you would read what had not 
been touched – and try to gain as much information as
you could from what was left.

This should be our same attitude toward the Bible.

 The End of Contradictions

With this information in mind, Christians no longer
have to say that the Trinity is a “Mystery” that we
cannot comprehend or understand, but rather that it
is a falsehood that was placed into the Bible text
to further Constantine’s greed for power.

the Trinity “is a corruption 
borrowed from the heathen religions, 
and ingrafted on the Christian faith.” 
-Dictionary of Religious Knowledge

Jesus never contradicted himself.  He didn’t say,
one minute – “The Father is Greater than I” and
then the next minute – infer that he was both God
the Father and God, The son.

“The doctrine 
that Jesus Christ the Son of God
was God the son 
was decreed by worldly 
and ecclesiastical powers. 
Men were forced to accept it 
at the point of the sword or else, 
Thus, the error of the trinity 
was propounded to the end 
that ultimately people believed it 
to be the truth. 
Thus Christianity became in essence
 like Babylonian heathenism, 
with only a veneer of Christian names.”
— Forgers of the Word -1983 Victor Paul Wierwille

Jesus was not a ventriloquist – neither did he play
mind games with his followers. It truly was Jehovah
God – whose voice thundered from heaven, telling the
world how proud he was of His son.

“And he received honor and glory
from God the Father
when God’s glorious, majestic voice
called down from heaven,
‘ This is my beloved Son;
I am fully pleased with him. ‘ “
(2Peter 1:17) (NLT) -BibleGateway

” ‘ Behold, my servant,
whom I uphold; my chosen,
in whom my soul delighteth:
I have put my Spirit upon him,
He will bring forth justice to the nations. ‘
Thus saith God Jehovah….”
(Isaiah 42:1,5) (ASV)(NIV) -BibleGateway

“Then  a voice came out of the cloud, saying,
‘ This is My Son, My Chosen One;
listen to Him ! ‘ “
(Luke 9:35) (NASB) -BibleGateway

Not All Good People Go to Heaven – Why?


Christendom has taught her members that the only 
reward for mankind is the hope of going to heaven. 
How sad that another grand hope has not been 
taught to them.

Although the Bible speaks of a small flock of
specially chosen ones that will rule the earth
with Christ – The subjects of that heavenly
kingdom rulership will reap bountiful rewards
by living in a paradise earth.

Not all good people are chosen for the heavenly
kingdom rulership, but those who survive through the
time of Christ’s return will live on earth in wonderful 
conditions, as described by the Bible writers.

Earthly Benefits of the Heavenly Kingdom

“Blessed and happy, are the meek and mild, 
for they shall inherit the earth.” 
(Matthew 5:5)(AMP)-BibleGateway

“But the meek shall inherit the earth
and shall delight themselves 
in the abundance of peace.”
(Psalm 37:11)(AMP)-BibleGateway

“…the righteous are rewarded
here on earth…”
(Proverbs 11:31)(NLT)-BibleGateway

“But God has promised us….a new earth, 
where justice will rule. 
We are really looking forward to that!” 
(2Peter 3:13)(CEV)-BibleGateway

“Behold, I will create….a new earth. 
The former things will not be remembered,
nor will they come to mind.”
(Isaiah 65:17)(NIV)-BibleGateway

“THEN I saw……a new earth… 
Then I heard a mighty voice from the throne…
saying, See! The abode of God is with men, 
and He will live among them; and they shall be 
His people, and God shall personally be with them 
and be their God.  God will wipe away every tear 
from their eyes; and death shall be no more, 
neither shall there be anguish nor grief nor pain
any more, for the old conditions and the former 
order of things have passed away. 
(Revelation 21:1,3,4)(AMP)-BibleGateway

Heavenly Calling – A “Small” Flock

A small flock of specially chosen ones will rule the earth. 

“Do not be afraid, “LITTLE FLOCK“, 
for your Father has been pleased 
to give you the kingdom.”
(Luke 12:32)(NIV)-BibleGateway

“…and they shall reign as kings
 over the earth. “
(Revelation 5:10)(AMP)-BibleGateway

Other Sheep – Earthly Subjects

Jesus spoke of other sheep that would benefit from
the kingdom rule.  The other sheep are the earthly subjects
of the heavenly Kingdom rulership.

“I have “OTHER SHEEP“, 
which are not of this fold; 
I must bring them also, 
and they will hear My voice; 
and they will become one flock 
with one shepherd.” 
(John 10:16)(NASB)-BibleGateway

Distinction even in the Resurrection

Even in the Bible’s description of the resurrection,
there is a definite distinction between those who
have been specifically called to heavenly life,
and those who have been chosen for everlasting life
on a paradise earth.

Let’s Look at these two types of resurrections.–

“…the dead in Christ will rise first.”
(1Thessalonians 4:16)(NASB)-BibleGateway

As seen in the scripture above – Those who have
died “in Christ” will rise first.  What does that
mean?  Dying in Christ is another way of saying that
they have been specifically called to be part of
Christ’s heavenly Kingdom.

If those dead in Christ will be resurrected first,
then what about the rest of the dead?

“The rest of the dead did not come to life 
until the thousand years were ended….” 
(Revelation 20:5)(NIV)-BibleGateway

And what type of resurrection is that ?

An Earthly One

The Bible Prophets described an earthly resurrection>
They gave attention to the literal body being restored.
They mention bones, sinews, flesh, etc.  An earthly
resurrection is even mentioned in the last book of the Bible,

The word that resurrect(ion) is translated from is 
“anastasia”, which means literally – to stand again.

“…the breath of life from God came into them,   
and they stood on their feet
and great fear fell upon those who were watching them. ” 
(Revelation 11:11) (NASB) -BibleGateway 

“Your dead will live; 
Their corpses will rise.
You who lie in the dust,  
awake and shout for joy,
For your dew is as the dew of the dawn,
And the earth will give birth 
to the departed spirits. ” 
(Isaiah 26:19)(NASB)-BibleGateway

“Thus saith the Lord Jehovah unto these bones : 
Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, 
and ye shall live.  And I will lay sinews upon you, 
and will bring up flesh upon you, 
and cover you with skin, 
and put breath in you, and ye shall live; 
and ye shall know that I am Jehovah.”
(Ezekiel 37:3-6) (ASV) -BibleGateway 

“…..there was a noise, and behold, a rattling; 
and the bones came together,  bone to its bone. 
 And I looked, and behold, sinews were on them, 
and flesh grew and skin covered them….. 
‘Thus says the Lord GOD, 
 “Come from the four winds, O breath, 
 breathe on these slain,  that they  come to life….
and the  breath came into them, and they came to life 
and stood on their feet .” 
(Ezekiel 37:7-10) (NASB) -BibleGateway 

“Thus saith the Lord Jehovah 
I will open your graves, 
and cause you to come up out of your graves, 
 O my people;  and I will bring you into the land….
And ye shall know that I am Jehovah, 
when I have opened your graves
and caused you to 
come up out of your graves, 
O my people.  
And I will put my Spirit in you, 
and ye shall live, and I will 
place you in your own land : 
and ye shall know that I, Jehovah, have spoken it 
and performed it,  saith Jehovah.” 
(Ezekiel 37:12-14) (ASV) -BibleGateway 

“Don’t be surprised !  The time will come when
all of the dead will hear the voice of the Son of Man,  
and they will come out of their graves. ” 
(John 5:28) (CEV) -BibleGateway

“…just as I have received authority from my Father.”
(Revelation 2:28) (NIV)-BibleGateway

The Heavenly Rulers – 
A Detailed Description

Who has the better hope- the heavenly rulers 
or the earthly subjects of that rule?  

 When one reads the scriptures that describe life
on the earth, under the Kingdom rule of Jesus Christ – 
it is difficult to decide which is more blessed.

Let’s go into more detail as the Bible describes
the small flock of chosen heavenly rulers

Just How Small – is the “Little Flock”

“Do not be afraid, “LITTLE FLOCK“, 
for your Father has been pleased 
to give you the kingdom.”
(Luke 12:32)(NIV)-BibleGateway

“Then I looked,  and there before me 
was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, 
and with him 144,000 
who had his name 
“and” his Father’s name 
written on their foreheads.”
(Revelation 14:1) (NIV) -BibleGateway

” . . . Then I heard the number of those 
who were sealed:  144,000 
(Revelation 7:4) (NIV) -BibleGateway

“No one could learn the song 
except the 144,000 
who had been redeemed from the earth.”
(Revelation 14:3) (NIV) -BibleGateway

How Are They Chosen ?

Jesus makes it clear that he does NOT do the choosing of this
Little flock of anointed ones, but rather, his Father, Jehovah God,
does the choosing. 

Jesus said :  “…it isn’t for me to say 
who will sit at my right side and at my left. 
That is for my Father to say.”
(Matthew 20:23)(CEV)-BibleGateway

“…But Jesus told them, 
“You don’t know what you are asking! 
I have no right to say 
who will sit on the thrones next to mine

My Father has prepared those places 
for the ones  HE has chosen.”
(Matthew 20:20-22)(NLT)-BibleGateway

“…Jehovah will show who are his, 
and who is holy, and will cause him 
to come near unto him: even him whom 
he shall choose will he cause to come 
near unto him.”
(Numbers 16:5)(ASV)-BibleGateway

“Jesus said to them…to sit at my right 
or left is not for me to grant. These places 
belong to those for whom they have been 
prepared by my Father.”
(Matthew 20:23)(NIV)-BibleGateway

“What do you want?” Jesus asked.
She said, “Give your word that these 
two sons of mine will be awarded the 
highest places of honor in your kingdom, 
one at your right hand, one at your left hand.”
Jesus responded, “You have no idea what 
you’re asking….Jesus said…But as to 
awarding places of honor, that’s not my business.
My Father is taking care of that.”
(Matthew 20:21-23)(MSG)-BibleGateway

“Then Jesus said to them, 
`You will drink what I drink. 
But I cannot choose who will sit 
at my right or at my left. 
My Father has planned 
who will sit there.'” 
(Matthew 20:23)(WE)-BibleGateway

“He (Jesus) said to them, 
“You will suffer as I will suffer. 
But the places at My right side 
and at My left side are NOT Mine to give

Whoever My Father says 
will have those places.” 
(Matthew 20:23)(NLV)-BibleGateway

Duties of the “Little Flock”

“…with Your blood 
You purchased men unto God 
from every tribe and language 
and people and nation.
And You have made them a kingdom 
and priests to our God, 
and they shall reign as kings
 over the earth. “
(Revelation 5:9,10)(AMP)-BibleGateway

“Do you not know that the saints 
will judge the world? “
(1Corinthians 6:2)(NIV)-BibleGateway

“I saw thrones on which were seated 
those who had been given authority to judge…
They came to life and reigned with Christ 
for a thousand years
. . . they will be priests of God 
and of Christ and will reign with him 
for a thousand years.”
(Revelation 20:4,6)(NIV)-BibleGateway

 Blessings to
The Great Crowd of Other Sheep

The great crowd of other sheep will enjoy
great blessings from the heavenly Kingdom

The Bible explains it this way –

“I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; 
I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; 
and they will become one flock – with one shepherd.”
(John 10:16)(NASB)-BibleGateway

“But the meek in the end shall inherit the earth 
and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. 
Then the consistently righteous shall inherit the earth 
and dwell upon it forever.”
(Psalm 37:11,29)(AMP)-BibleGateway

“…I saw a large crowd with more people 
than could be counted. They were from every race, 
tribe, nation, and language…”
(Revelation 7:9)(CEV)-BibleGateway

“These are those who come from 
the great tribulation.”
(Revelation 7:14)(MSG)-BibleGateway

“Look! I am creating…A NEW EARTH —
so wonderful that no one will even think 
about the old one anymore.”
(Isaiah 65:17)(NLT)-BibleGateway 

“…the NEW EARTH that I create 
will last forever.”
(Isaiah 66:22)(CEV)-BibleGateway

“We are looking for what God has promised,
……. ..A NEW EARTH 
Only what is right and good will be there.”
(2Peter 3:13)(NLV)-BibleGateway

“Happy are the meek and the mild, 
for they shall inherit the earth.”
(Matthew 5:5)(AMP)-BibleGateway

“Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, 
and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. 
Then shall the lame man leap as a deer, 
and the tongue of the mute shall sing…” 
(Isaiah 35:5,6)(ASV)-BibleGateway 

“And no resident will say, “I am sick”;
The people who dwell there will be forgiven
their iniquity.” 
(Isaiah 33:24)(NASB)-BibleGateway

“And my servant…shall be king over them;
and they all shall have one shepherd
they shall also walk in mine ordinances, 
and observe my statutes, and do them.
And they shall dwell in the land…for ever:
my servant shall be their prince for ever.

Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; 
it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; 
and I will place them, and multiply them, 
and will set my sanctuary 
in the midst of them for evermore.
My tabernacle also shall be with them; 
and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
And the nations shall know that I am Jehovah.”
(Ezekiel 37:24-28)(ASV)-BibleGateway

And I will set up one shepherd over them
and he shall feed them…
and he shall be their shepherd.
And I, Jehovah, will be their God
And I will make with them
a covenant of PEACE, 
and will cause evil beasts to cease out of the land
and they shall dwell securely in the wilderness, 
and sleep in the woods.
And I will make them and the places 
round about my hill a blessing; 
and I will cause the shower to come down in its season;
there shall be showers of blessing.
And the tree of the field shall yield its fruit, 
and the earth shall yield its increase
and they shall be secure in their land
and they shall know that I am Jehovah
but they shall dwell securely, 
and none shall make them afraid.”
(Ezekiel 34:23-28)(ASV)-BibleGateway

There will be no end to the increase 
of His government or of PEACE,
On the throne of David and over his kingdom,
To establish it and to uphold it with 
justice and righteousness
From then on and forevermore
(Isaiah 9:7)(NASB)-BibleGateway

“For thus saith Jehovah…
Behold, I will bring…health and cure, 
and I will cure them; and I will reveal 
unto them abundance of peace and truth
Behold, the days come, saith Jehovah, 
that I will perform that good word which
I have spoken… In those days, and at that time,
will I cause a Branch of righteousness 
to grow up unto David
 (Jesus Christ); 
and he shall execute justice 
and righteousness in the land
(Jeremiah 33:4,6,14,15)(ASV)-BibleGateway 

“Behold, I am coming soon!…
I, Jesus…I am the Root 
and the Offspring of David..”

(Revelation 22:7,16)(NASB)-BibleGateway

“Endow the KING with your justice, O God, 
the ROYAL SON with your righteousness. 
He will judge your people in righteousness, 
your afflicted ones with justice. 
He will defend the afflicted among the people 
and save the children of the needy; 
he will crush the oppressor. 
He will endure as long as the sun, 
as long as the moon, through all generations. 
He will be like rain falling on a mown field, 
like showers watering the earth. 
In his days the righteous will flourish; 
prosperity will abound till the moon is no more. 
He will rule from sea to sea 
and from the River to the ends of the earth. 
(Psalm 72:1,2,4-8)(NIV)-BibleGateway



AND  BURNED – By The Apostate Christian Church

AND  BURNED – By The Apostate Christian Church

Many people are unaware of the fact that there 
was a long period of time, when the Church of
Christendom – forbid the reading of the Bible.

Not only did she forbid the reading of the Bible,
but she also forbid having posession of a Bible
in one’s own home.

These were called the “Dark Ages” for obvious 
reasons.  The Apostate Church of Christendom was
at the peak of her power, and was afraid that if
her subjects owned and read Bibles, that they might
question some of the Church’s actions and teachings.

“During the Dark Ages (A.D. 500-1500),  
Rome burned Bibles along with their owners.”
-The Baptist Pillar
Published by Bible Baptist Church

This was a time, when not only was the Bible banned,
but literacy in general was prohibited and frowned
upon.  Very few people during this time knew how to
read or write.  Again, the Apostate Church was
determined that the less knowledge that people had,
the more easy it would be to rule them. 

“Only ten percent of people 
in the Roman Empire could read…
and those were generally in the wealthy 
upper classes.” 
-River of God, 
Gregory J. Riley, pp. 66

The Church admits this in her own Laws :

“Canon 14. We prohibit also that the laity should 
not be permitted to have the books of the Old or 
New Testament; we most strictly forbid their having 
any translation of these books.”
– The Church Council of Toulouse 1229 AD
Source: Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe,
Scolar Press, London, England
copyright 1980 by Edward Peters,
ISBN 0-85967-621-8, pp. 194-195

The Council of Tarragona of 1234, 
in its second canon, ruled that:

“No one may possess the books of the Old 
and New Testaments, and if anyone possesses 
them he must turn them over to the local bishop 
within eight days, so that they may be burned…”
– The Church Council of Tarragona 1234 AD; 
2nd Cannon – Source : D. Lortsch, 
Historie de la Bible en France, 1910, p.14.

“Opened on Thursday alongside the Inquisition
archives was the infamous Index of Forbidden Books, 
which Roman Catholics were forbidden to read 
or possess on pain of excommunication. They showed 
that even “the Bible” was once on the blacklist.
Translations of the holy book ended up on the bonfires
along with other “heretical” works…The Index
of Forbidden Books and all excommunications relating 
to it were officially abolished in 1966. The Inquisition
itself was established by Pope Gregory IX in 1233….”
-Vatican archives reveal Bible was once banned book
    By Jude Webber
ROME, Jan 22, 1998 (Reuters)

“Canon 14.   We prohibit also that the laity should be
permitted to have the books of the Old or New Testament; 
…we most strictly forbid their having any translation 
of these books.”
   Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe, 
 Edited with an introduction by Edward Peters, 
    Scolar Press, London, copyright 1980 
  by Edward Peters, ISBN 0-85967-621-8, pp. 194-195
–After the death of Innocent III, the Synod of Toulouse 
directed in 1229 its fourteenth canon against the misuse 
of Sacred Scripture on the part of the athari: 
“prohibemus, ne libros Veteris et Novi Testamenti 
    laicis permittatur habere” 
 (Hefele, “Concilgesch”, Freiburg, 1863, V, 875).

The Council of Tarragona of 1234, in its second canon, 
ruled that:
“No one may possess the books of the Old and New 
 in the Romance language, and if anyone 
possesses them he must turn them over to the local
bishop within eight days after promulgation of 
this decree, so that they may be burned….”
– D. Lortsch, Historie de la Bible en France, 1910, p.14.


Pope Pius IV had a list of the forbidden books compiled
and officially prohibited them in the Index of Trent 
(Index Librorum Prohibitorum) of 1559. 
This is an excerpt :

Whoever reads or has such a translation in his 
… cannot be absolved from his sins 
until he has turned in these Bibles
…Books in the
vernacular dealing with the controversies between
Catholics and the heretics of our time are not to be 
generally permitted, but are to be handled in the 
same way as Bible translations…”
– Rule IV & Rule VI
  Die Indices Librorum Prohibitorum des sechzehnten
  Jahrhunderts (Tübingen, 1886), page 246f.
Source: The Reformation, by Hans J. Hillerbrand, 
copyright 1964 by SCM Press Ltd and Harper and Row,Inc.,
 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 64-15480, 
    pages 474, 475.

History’s Most Indestructable Book

Many dictators have attempted to wipe 
the Bible from existence. Yet it has 
withstood all these attacks, remaining 
the most popular book in the world. 
More copies of the Bible are sold every year
than any other book, despite its image as 
being “out of date.” 

Christendom Becomes – An Enemy of the bible 
Christendom – as a political power

Unfortunately, this ultimately led to 
persecution again as the church quickly 
became a powerful political force, used to 
control public opinion and political ambitions.

The Bible continued to be attacked, now from 
within the church. Bibles in common languages 
such as Greek were outlawed. The Latin Vulgate 
Bible was produced and carefully controlled, 
readable only by specially trained representatives 
of the church. Laws were issued making it illegal 
for any Christian to possess a Bible. Penalties 
included burning at the stake. During the Dark Ages 
even priests were unable to read the Scriptures 
for themselves. As a result, they were unable to 
compare the false doctrines sweeping through the
Roman church against the doctrines of the 
Word of God. In Italy, it was still illegal to 
own a Bible until 1870!

Political ambitions led to such crimes as the 
Crusader Wars, purported to be in the name of 
Christ but having no relationship with any 
Christian doctrine. Christianity was primarily 
an excuse used to give them credibility. Since 
the people had no Bibles to check such things for 
themselves, they were at the mercy of the corrupt 
religiious leaders behind these efforts.

“The Roman Catholic Church has traditionally 
suppressed, opposed, and forbidden the open use 
of the Bible. It was first officially forbidden 
to the people and placed on the index of Forbidden 
Books List by the Council of Valencia in 1229 A.D. 
The Council of Trent (1545-63 A.D.) also prohibited 
its use and pronounced a curse upon anyone who would 
dare oppose this decree. Many popes have issued 
decrees forbidding Bible reading in the common 
language of the people, condemning Bible societies 
and banning its possession and translation under 
penalty of mortal sin and death. The Roman Catholic 
Church has openly burned Bibles and those who 
translated it or promoted its study, reading, and use.
(John Hus, 1415 A.D.; William Tyndale, 1536 A.D.)”
-Christian Equippers International, 
2941 Lake Tahoe Blvd,  
South Lake Tahoe 96150

1525: Six thousand copies of William Tyndale’s 
English translation of the New Testament were 
printed in Cologne, Germany, and smuggled into 
England—and then burned by the English church.


“Tyndale wrote that the Church authorities 
banned translation into the mother tongue 
“to keep the world still in darkness, 
to the intent they might sit through vain 
superstition and false doctrine, to satisfy 
their filthy lusts, their proud ambition, 
and insatiable covetousness, and to exalt their 
own honour… above God himself.” “
–William Tyndale’s New Testament. 
Worms (Germany), 1526
British Library C.188.a.17
Copyright © The British Library Board


“Tyndale’s New Testament was the first to be 
printed in English. There are only two complete 
copies surviving from the 3,000 or more printed 
in 1526 by Peter Schoeffer in the German city 
of Worms. Tyndale’s translation was pronounced 
heretical in England, so his Bibles were smuggled 
into the country in bales of cloth. Those discovered 
owning them were punished. At first only the books 
were destroyed, but soon heretics (those found with 
the Bibles) would be burned too – including Tyndale
himself in 1536.”
-William Tyndale’s New Testament. 
Worms (Germany), 1526
British Library C.188.a.17
Copyright © The British Library Board

“For 600 years the Roman Catholic Church 
attempted to keep translations of the Bible 
out of the hands of the people. Bible-believing
people were mercilessly persecuted and their 
Scriptures were destroyed. Those who possessed 
Bibles without a license were commanded to 
deliver them up to the Catholic authorities 
under threat of inquisition terrors. Booksellers 
were forbidden to sell any Bibles except to 
people who possessed a license from the Catholic
church. Huge quantities of Scriptures in English, 
Germany, Italian, French, Spanish, and in other 
languages, were confiscated and destroyed 
throughout the 13th to the 19th centuries. 
Bible translators and distributors were imprisoned 
and burned. Even after the Catholic inquisition 
was outlawed in many lands in the 18th and 19th 
centuries, the popes continued to condemn the free
distribution of Scripture.”
Way of Life Literature, copyright 1996.


“In Roman-dominated lands, the Bible was almost 
an unknown book among the common people. The Bible 
in Rome is a strange and rare book. Indeed very few
of the common people know what we mean by the Bible.”
Way of Life Literature, copyright 1996.


“Book burnings which included Bibles 
were common after 1521. Sometimes the 
translators and publishers themselves 
were also burned. Possession of Bibles became 
criminal offenses and often resulted in the 
execution of the accused. There are cases on 
record of people executed by order of church 
for the “crime” teaching their children 
the Lord’s Prayer or the Ten Commandments 
in their own native tongue.”
-What Happened this Day in Church History
June 13, 1757 • The Bible in Many Tongues.
Christian History Institute

“In the two decades after Wycliffe’s death, 
many Lollards were burned at the stake, 
some even with their Bibles hanging from 
their necks to be burned with them.”
-Ron Minton, 
The Making and Preservation of the Bible 
(n.p.; November, 2000) 216.

“By 1408 even reading the Bible in English 
was outlawed.”
– F. F. Bruce, PP 20-23
History of the Bible in English, 3rd ed. 
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1978)

“One of Wycliffe’s followers, John Hus, 
actively promoted Wycliffe’s ideas: 
that people should be permitted to read 
the Bible in their own language, 
and they should oppose the tyranny 
of the Roman church that threatened 
anyone possessing a Bible with execution. 
Hus was burned at the stake in 1415, 
with Wycliffe’s manuscript Bibles used 
as kindling for the fire. The Catholic 
Church excommunicated Hus in 1411 and 
burned him at the stake in Constance on 
July 6, 1415, having condemned him by 
the Council of Constance, in an unfair trial.”
-English Bible History; “John Hus”
GREATSITE.COM; the online showroom of 
The Bible Museum, Inc. Since 1987

Burned at the Stake
For Owning A Bible

Burned at the Stake
For Owning A Bible

“During the Dark Ages (A.D. 500-1500),  
Rome burned Bibles along with their owners.”
-The Baptist Pillar
Published by Bible Baptist Church

“In the two decades after Wycliffe’s death, 
many Lollards were burned at the stake, 
some even with their Bibles hanging from 
their necks to be burned with them
-Ron Minton, 
The Making and Preservation of the Bible 
(n.p.; November, 2000) 216.

“October 6, 1998 marks 462 years since another 
Christian was burned at the stake for his 
translation and distribution of the English Bible.”
-The Bible Gateway; 
Topic : “William Tyndale”
Tom White and Steve Cleary,
“The Smuggler,” The Voice of the Martyrs, 
October, 1998, pp. 3-4

“Owning a Bible in English,
or even quoting Scripture in English, 
meant death for countless men and women of God.”
-1376-Indestructible Book: Story of the Bible
Bestselling Catholic Videos 
in English and Spanish Languages
Largest Roman Catholic Marian Resource

“Many people died at the stake 
for owning a Bible, or for helping 
to translate one, or for distributing
them to others.”
– Sermon of 
Rev. Orland Wolfram (1912-1987) 
Pillar of Fire Church 
Missionary to Guatemala

“The principal accusation against those 
who are subject to… (the inquisition)
is heresy…of such who read the Bible 
in the common language

Upon all occasions the inquisitors carry on 
their processes with the utmost severity, 
and punish those who offend them 
with the most unparalleled cruelty.”
-Fox’s Book of Martyrs; Chapter 5
   An Account of the Inquisition 
    Author: John Foxe (1516-1587)

Taking the Bible for Granted

Many people today, ridicule those who search 
the scriptures for truth.  And even many of
my readers make fun of me and say that I should
not take the Bible so seriously.  I am told
to lighten up.  But I know that Jesus replied
to almost all of the questions that were 
presented to him, by quoting from the Bible’s
Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures).  I know too,
that the apostles and early christians died for
their belief in the Bible’s laws and principals.

How did Jesus View the Bible ?

Through the centuries, courageous men and women 
have treasured the Scriptures and have struggled 
to preserve and disseminate them amid great 
opposition. Some, as we have seen, have even died 
to get the Bible into the hands of the common 
person. Their sacrifices should inspire us to a 
greater study and application of the Bible’s 
teachings. Yet many today take owning a Bible 
for granted. Nevertheless, surveys reveal that 
fewer than half of Americans can even name the 
first four books of the New Testament.

The words of the Bible are of no value as mere 
letters on paper. They must live in the minds 
of people through the Spirit of God.

The Bible is a precious heritage and a priceless 
gift. It reveals the true God and his Son, 
Jesus Christ, the Savior of all humanity. 
Realizing that God inspired many dedicated 
Christians to great personal sacrifices should 
motivate us to value the precious heritage of 
the Bible. The once-forbidden book now lies open 
— to you!






What about the earliest of Christians
during Bible times –  Did they speak in Greek
or Hebrew ?

“Undoubtedly Jesus was given a good Jewish education
as a boy, even though he was born in a modest household.
His family was devoutly Jewish, as indicated by their
adherence to The Torah (Luke2:39-40)  He learned to
read the Hebrew texts of the Bible and was adept at
reasoning with the Torah sages of his day.  At age 12,
for example, we find him sitting in the Temple
discussing the finer points of the Torrah with the
religious leaders of his day  (Luke 2:39-52).
Such a discussion undoubtedly occurred in Hebrew,
not Aramaic.”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons

“During his public ministry, Jesus read the Hebrew
Torah and Haftarah in the synagogue “as was his
custom” (Luke 4:16) .  Jesus also spoke about
yod v’kotz shel yod and its stroke, indicating
the meticulous attention he gave to the written
Hebrew Torah Text.  (Matthew 5:18).”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons

“It is unthinkable that the promised Messiah,
the King of the Jews in the lineage of Moses,
King David and the Hebrew prophets, would have
spoken his words of life using a foreign language
to the Jewish people.  As the King of the Jews,
He would have spoken the langague of the Jews.”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons

“Additional texual evidence that Jesus spoke
Hebrew includes the fact that he spoke easily
with the Samaritan woman at the well (the Samaritans
preserved and spoke Hebrew, not Aramaic); (John 4:4-26).”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons

“The title over Jesus’ cross was written “in Hebrew”
and not Aramaic as is sometimes erroneously translated
(John 19:20).”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons

“Jesus later spoke to the Apostle Paul in Hebrew
on the Road to Damascus (Acts 26:14), and Paul gained
the silence of the Jerusalem crowd by addressing
them “in the Hebrew tongue” (Acts 21:40; Acts 22:2).”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons

“There are some sayings of Jesus that can ony be
rendered into Hebrew.   One can thus demonstrae
the Hebrew origins of the Gospels by retranslating
them into Hebrew.”
– Source (Jewish Sources in Early Christianity,
Adama Boooks).
by The Late Dr. David Flusser
Professor of Early Christianity and Judaism
of the Second Temple Period
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

“It appears that the earliest documents concerning
Jesus were written works, taken down by his disciples
after his death.  Their language was early Rabinic
Hebew with strong undercurrents of Biblical Hebrew.
Even in those books of the New Testament which were
originally composed in Greek, such as the Pauline
Epistles, there are clear traces of the Hebrew
language; and the terminology in those books of
the New Testament is often intelligible only when
we know the oiginall Hebrew terms.  In these books,
we can trace the influence of the Greek translation
of the Bible side by side with the influence of the
Hebrew original.”
– Source (Jewish Sources in Early Christianity,
Adama Boooks).
by The Late Dr. David Flusser
Professor of Early Christianity and Judaism
of the Second Temple Period
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


“Jesus’ first disciples were essentially uneducated
men who spoke with a distinctive Galilean accent.
Nonetheless, they attended synagogues with Jesus
and lived Torah observant lifestyles.”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons

“Until recently, it was believed by numerous scholars
that the language spoken by Jesus’ disciples was
Aramaic.  But during that period, Hebrew was both
the daily language and the language of study.”
– Source (Jewish Sources in Early Christianity,
Adama Boooks).
by The Late Dr. David Flusser
Professor of Early Christianity and Judaism
of the Second Temple Period
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

“The Gospel of Mark contains a few aramaic words,
and this was what misled scholars.  Today, after
the discovery of the Hebrew BenSir (Ecclesiasticus),
of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and of the Bar Kochba Letters,
and in light of more profound studies of the language
of the Jewish Sages, it is accepted that most people
were fluent in Hebrew.”
– Source (Jewish Sources in Early Christianity,
Adama Boooks).
by The Late Dr. David Flusser
Professor of Early Christianity and Judaism
of the Second Temple Period
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

“Unquestionably, the Apostle Paul was fluent in
Hebrew, since he was educated as a Pharisee in
Jerusalem under the Rabi Gamaliel (Acts 222:3),
the grandson of the renowned Jewish sage Hillel
The Elder.  Paul described himself as circumcised
on the eighth day, a Pharisee, and a  “Hebrew of
Hebrews” (Phil 3:5).   Paul was well-esablished
in the Jewish leadership of his day, and even had
a relationship with the Sanhedrin and High Priest
of Israel (Acts 9:1-2).  But even after his conversion
on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-21), he still
identified himself as a Jew.”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons

“In Acts 23:6 Paul confessed, “I am a Pharisee.”
Paul also regularly attended synagogue: “He came
to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews,
And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them,
and during three Sabbath days, he reasoned with
them out of the scriptures” (Acts 17:1-2).”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons


“The Dead Sea Scross (DDSS) of Qumran, known to date
from the same general period, reveal an overwhelming
preponderance of Hebrew texts.  These include
everything from commentaries to correspondence,
from documents to daily rules.  Scholars have
discovered that all commentaries on the Scriptures
were written in Hebrew – none in Aramaic.  The texts
found at Herod’s stronghold of Masada are written
in Hebrew as well.”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons

“The Talmud regularly distinguishes between Hebrew
and other languages, especially Aramaic, for example,
Tracate Sotah 49b states that either Hebrew or Greek
should be used in Israel, but not Aramaic.  The Zohar
called Aramaic the “language of the evil force”.”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons

“The Pentateuch was translated into Aramaic
for the benefit of the lower strata of the
population.  The parables in the Rabbinic literature,
on the other hand, were delivered in Hebrew in all
periods.  There is thus no ground for assuming
that Jesus did not speak Hebrew; and we are told
(Acts 21:40) that Paul spoke Hebrew.  We should
take this piece of information at face value.”
– Source (Jewish Sources in Early Christianity,
Adama Boooks).
by The Late Dr. David Flusser
Professor of Early Christianity and Judaism
of the Second Temple Period
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


“Nearly all of the extant coins, that date from the
4th century BC until AD 135, are embossed in Hebrew
and not Aramaic.   Inscriptions on pottery vessels,
tombs, and other items likewise attest that Hebrew
was the spoken and written language of the common
people.  Simply put, Hebrew has always been the
nationalist language of the Jewish people.”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons


“In addition, many of the early ‘church fathers’
also acknoledged that the statements of Jesus
recorded in the gospels were in Hebrew.  For example,
Papias, a second century Church father, is quoted by
the histoian Eusebius;  “Matthew collected the oracles
in the Hebrew language, and each interpreted them
as best he could (Ecclesiasticl History, III.39.1),
and  Iraneus (c. 200 AD) wrote:  “Matthew used a
written Gospel among the Hebrews in their own
dialect.”  Later, the famous translator Jerome
wrote about the Hebrew Gospel he used to translate
the Scriptures into Latin (De vir.lll.,II).”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons

“More recent scholarship by Dr. Robert Lindsey
and others now indicates a Hebrew structure to
the basic Greek New Testament (i.e., Hebrew  syntax
embedded within the Greek text).  The scattered
Aramaic words found in the New Testament are either
loan words or are simply poorly transliterated
Hebrew words and phrases rendered into Greek.”
– Did Jesus speak Hebrew ?
by John J. Parsons

Other proof of the fact that the disciples and
some early followers of Christ also spoke in fluent
Hebrew is found at Acts 6, verses 1.

“During this time, as the disciples were increasing
in numbers by leaps and bounds, hard feelings
developed among the Greek-speaking believers—
“Hellenists” — toward the Hebrew-speaking believers.”
(Acts 6:1)(MSG)-BibleGateway

“But as the believers rapidly multiplied,
there were rumblings of discontent.
The Greek-speaking believers complained
about the Hebrew-speaking believers…”
(Acts 6:1)(NLT)-BibleGateway

“Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites?
So am I. Are they descendants of Abraham?
So am I. ”
(2Corinthins 11:22)(NASB)-BibleGateway


“It is simply amazing to think that all
these years, hundreds of years, mankind
has been calling the Saviour by the wrong name!!”
-Gospel of The Kingdom
True Names and Title
Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
1931 – Ohio USA

” ‘Jesus’ was not the Messiah’s name
when He walked the earth.”
-The True Name of The Messiah
by Neil Bornhoft

“It is interesting that throughout his life,
Jesus Christ never did hear himself called
by that name.”
— “Man’s Great Adventure,”
by Edwin W. Pharlow, professor of history,
Ohio State University.

“The founder of Christianity never heard
Himself called ‘Jesus Christ’ during His life.
He was known by His Hebrew name Jehoshua.
– Colliers magazine of Sept. 11, 1937
Paul Parnell

No one ever called Christ by the name of “Jesus” during his
earthly life.  As a Hebrew, he was referred to as “Yehoshua”
by his 12 Jewish disciples.   But Rome would not have anything
to do with it.  After the apostles left the earthly scene, Rome
adopted the religion of Christ and made sharp changes, not
only to Christ’s teachings, but even to his name.  Constantine
and the entire Roman Church Counsels – altered and changed
Christ’s name into something more Greek than Jewish; and
they even burned books that contained Christ’s original true
name.   All of these changes were in the interest of the large
pagan population in Greece and Rome at that time.

“Originally, the name of the Messiah
was , pronounced Yehoshua.
This is the Messiah’s original name,
and meant ‘Jehovah is salvation’.
It is quite evident that the modern
form “Jesus” does not even remotely
resemble the original name that the
disciples used.. This is fact. ”
-Encyclopedia Americana     (Vol.16, p. 41)

all knowledge of two Second Century
Jewish books that it said contained
‘the true name of Christ.’
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
by Tony Bushby

“The plan of the Greeks was simple,
they merely dropped the Hebrew
terminology of names which referred
to the Hebrew deity, and substituted
the name, or letters, referring to the
name of the supreme deity, Zeus.”
-The Faith Magazine     Volume 69

“Now our modern translated scriptures say
Christ’s name is Jesus.  The name Jesus
is a compound word made up of Ie and Sous
(Hail Zeus).”
-The Origin of Christianity
by A.B. Traina

“This name of the true Messiah,
was objectionable to the Greeks and
Romans, who hated the Judeans (Jews),
and so it was deleted from the records,
and a new name inserted…Ie-Sous
(hail Zeus), now known to us as Jesus.”
-The Origin of Christianity
by A.B. Traina

“It is simply amazing to think that all
these years, hundreds of years, mankind
has been calling the Saviour by the wrong name!!
It’s hard to give up the name of Jesus
because it’s so deeply ingrained in us
and much has been said and done in that name.”
-Gospel of The Kingdom
True Names and Title
Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley      1931 – Ohio USA

“It is known that the Greek name endings with sus, seus, and sous
were attached by the Greeks to names and geographical areas as
means to give honour to their supreme deity, Zeus.”
-Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend
Professor J. C. J. Metford

“The Messiah’s name was replaced with Iesus
(Greek)…Further, the Greek “Iesus”
comes from the name Zeus, the ruling God
in the Greek pantheon.”
-Gospel of The Kingdom
True Names and Title
Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
1931 – Ohio USA

“Some authorities, who have spent their
entire lives studying the origins of names
believe that “Jesus” actually means –
“Hail Zeus!”  For Iesous in Greek IS
“Hail Zeus.”  “Ie” translates as “Hail”
and “sous” or “sus” translates as Zeus.
The English name “Jesus”, therefore, stems
etymologically from “Jupiter-Zeus” the chief
god of the ancient Greek Olympus.”
-“Yeshua” or “Jesus” — Which?
Biblical Research Institute; 1996
by Les Aron Gosling

“research reveals that the name “Jesus”
is linked to the Greek Sun-god “Zeus” ”
by C. J. Koster

“Originally, the name of the Messiah
was , pronounced Yehoshua.
This is the Messiah’s original name,
and meant ‘Jehovah is salvation’.
It is quite evident that the modern
form “Jesus” does not even remotely
resemble the original name that the
disciples used.. This is fact. ”
-Encyclopedia Americana     (Vol.16, p. 41)

“Jehoshua” means ‘whose help is Jehovah’;
‘Help of Jehovah’ or ‘saviour of Jehovah’.”
-Smith’s Bible Dictionary
under ‘Jehoshua”

“the construction of theophoric names,
starting with the letters “Jeho” is evidence
that God’s name is actually ‘Jehovah’
(and that Christ’s name is actually Jehoshua)”
– Smith’s 1863
“A Dictionary of the Bible”
Section 2.1


“The traditional Christian Church has forgotten,
and even rejected, her Jewish roots.”
-The History of The Church vs The Synagogue
by Wayne Bedwell

“Later, in a similar manner,
Pope Alexander VI ordered all copies
of the Jewish Talmud destroyed.
The Council of the Inquisition required
as many Jewish writings as possible to
be burned.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
by Tony Bushby

“The mass destruction of Jewish books
included hundreds of copies of the Old
Testament. In an attempt by the church
to remove Rabbinic information about Christ
from the face of the earth, the Inquisition
burnt 12,000 volumes of the Talmud.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
by Tony Bushby

“In the mass destruction of Jewish writings,
the church attempted to destroy all documents
that recorded ‘the true name of Christ ’.”
-What Was The Church Trying to Hide?
by Tony Bushby

“the Talmudic evidence indicates that
historically the Jews regarded the name
of  Christ as ‘Yehoshua’            .”
– The Names Yeshua and Yehoshua
Yehoshua in the Septuagint
Yehoshua in the Hebrew Bible
by Dr. James Price, professor of Hebrew

“In order to make the previously despised cult
of the Early Christians acceptable to Constantine,
emperor of Rome – the new (pagan) Church Fathers
had to remove from its teachings certain doctrines
which they knew were objectionable to Constantine.
To accomplish this, certain “correctors” were
appointed, whose task it was to rewrite the Gospels.”
-Apollonius the Nazarene Part 1:
The Historical Apollonius Versus
the Mythical Jesus
By: Dr. R. W. Bernard, Ph.D.

“Learned men, so called Correctores were,
following the church meeting at Nicea 325 AD,
selected by the church authorities to scrutinize
the sacred texts and rewrite them in order to
correct their meaning in accordance with the views
which the church had just sanctioned.”
-Prof. Eberhard Nestle
`Introduction to the Textual Criticism
of the Greek Testament,’
Einfhrung in die Textkritik des
griechischen Testaments: Eberhard Nestle

“the (biblical) manuscripts were carefully
revised by the correctores.”
-“Manuscripts” by Louis Bréhier
in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IX
(New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910)

“…theological disputes, specifically disputes over
the trinity (Christology), prompted Christian scribes
to alter the words of scripture in order to make them
more serviceable.”
-The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture
Prof. Bart D. Ehrman

“after the Council of Nicea, A.D. 325,
the manuscripts of the New Testament
were considerably tampered with by scholars,
called `correctores’, who were appointed by
the ecclesiastical authorities, and actually
commissioned to correct the text of the Scriptures
in the interest of what was considered orthodoxy.”
-Archdeacon Wilberforce


“The issue IS how to transliterate the real name,
Yeshua (or Jehoshua), from the Hebrew, into English.
We certainly don’t need to go through Greek into
Latin and then from Latin into English. Why would
anyone want to take such a circuitous route,
unless he’s trying to “prove” the validity of
the erroneousness,”Jesus?”
YHWH is Elohim – Yahushua is the Messiah
by Yahkov Hartley

“The change of the Messiah’s name from Yeshua
(Yahushua) to Jesus (a mistranslation) certainly
serves the purpose of obscuring his Jewish identity
and his Jewish ministry. The true ministry of
Yahushua the Messiah is and was dedicated to
finding the “lost sheep of the House of Israel.”
YHWH is Elohim – Yahushua is the Messiah
by Yahkov Hartley

“The English name “Joshua”  is a rendering of the Hebrew
language “Yahoshua”, meaning “Yehowah” is salvation”.
-^ A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament
Francis Brown, with S.R. Driver and C.A. Briggs,
based on the lexicon of William Gesenius. Oxford:
Clarendon Press. p. 221 & 446

“Yehoshua may refer to: Yehoshua, the Hebrew
name of Joshua, the son of Nun or of Jesus,
the Christ; since both hebrew names are identical.
Joshua (Hebrew: יְהוֹשֻׁעַ‎‎ Yehoshuaʿ; and both have
the same meaning.  Why do some Bible’s translate
it as ‘Joshua’, while others translate it as ‘Jesus’?
There is a definite inconsistency here.”

“Jehoshua, meaning ‘Jehovah is Salvation’.”
-The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 8, p. 374

“To transliterate the Hebrew name ‘Yeshua’
(or ‘Yehoshua’) into English, we merely go
to (another man with the same name as Christ),
‘Yeshua’ (or Yehoshua) (who was the son of Nun)
(He is mentioned in The Old Testament as well as
The New Testament.  Thus his name is pronounced
Yeshua (or Yehoshua) both in Hebrew and in English
– a perfect transliteration. What could be simpler?”
(The letter ‘J’ replaces the letter ‘Y’ in English).
YHWH is Elohim – Yahushua is the Messiah
by Yahkov Hartley

“History, both religious and secular, is clear that
the “Church” has expended a vast effort to distance
itself from the true nature, origins, and purpose of
this Jewish messiah!”
YHWH is Elohim – Yahushua is the Messiah
by Yahkov Hartley

“This name, Yahshua, being Hebrew,
was objectionable to the Greeks and Romans,
who hated the Judeans, and so it was deleted
from the records, and a new name inserted.
Yahshua was thus replaced by Ie-Sous,
now known to us as Jesus. They had worshipped
Zeus, or Jupiter, as the supreme deity,
so now they were told the new name was Theos,
or Dios, or God.  Their savior was Zeus,
so now they were to accept Jesus (Iesous,
or Zeus).”
– Chapter 3
By A. B. Traina